
Why does the Torah repeat the creation of the Chayos and the birds?


Rashi #1: Bearing in mind that earlier (1:20), the Torah recorded that Hashem created the birds out of water, from here we learn that they were actually created out of a combination of water and earth (mud).


Rashi #2: To teach us that on the same day that Hashem created the animals, Adam already named them.


Rashi #3 (citing a Midrash): "Va'Yitzer Hashem" means that 'Hashem placed all the animals and birds 1 under Adam's jurisdiction.' 2


But we already know this from 1:28; refer to 1:28:1 ?


Rashi (ibid.): As in the Pasuk "Ki Satzur El Ir" (Devarim 20:19). Gur Aryeh - How are all three interpretations of Rashi derived from the Pasuk? We already know that the animals were formed "from the ground" (1:24); our Pasuk is only necessary regarding the birds. The animals are mentioned to teach us that they were named on the same day as their creation. The Torah switches from the verb, "va'Ya'as" - "He made" (1:25), to "va'Yitzer" - "He formed;" this teaches that Hashem put the animals under Adam's jurisdiction. Refer to 2:19:1.1:1 .


Why does the Torah interrupt the formation of Chavah, with assigning Adam with the task of naming the animals?


Seforno: Hashem brought the animals before Adam, so he would realize that none of them were fit to become his helpmate, and that it was therefore necessary to create Chavah. 1


Refer to 2:18:2:3 and to 2:19:3:2 .


Why does the Toah mention Chayos and Ofos, yet omit Beheimos, which it mentions in the following Pasuk (2:20) when Adam actually named them?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because, as opposed to the birds and the Chayos, they were under Adam's jurisdiction, and it was unnecessary to bring them to him.


What are the connotations of "ve'Chol asher Yikra lo ha'Adam ... "?


Rashi: Invert the words to translate, "And every living soul that Adam names, that will be its name (forever)". 1


Ramban: Adam was given the animals to find a helpmate, which he could name 'a Nefesh Chayah' like himself - seeing as earlier, in 2:7, Adam exclusively, is called 'Nefesh Chayah' due to his unique status. 2 But Adam did not succeed in finding one, so Hashem proceeded to create Chavah. 3


Gur Aryeh: What is difficult with the straightforward reading of the Pasuk? We cannot explain that Adam called every living thing "Nefesh Chayah", for the animals were called this name even prior to man's creation (1:20, 24). The term expresses what the animals are.


Refer to 2:7:4:2 .


Refer to 2:19:2:1 .



Rashi writes: "Homiletically, the term 'va'Yitzer' expresses jurisdiction (from the word 'Matzor' - siege)." This seems to be farfetched, in contrast to the simple explanation of the verse!


Gur Aryeh: The word "Va'Yitzer" comes from "Tzurah" - form. Sculpting a form or image of an object means defining and delimiting it. 1 So too, the creation of man set limits upon the animal world, and put it under his domination.


For example, in today's expression, 'capturing' a picture. (CS)


Rashi writes: "That is its name forever." What is the significance of an animal's name?


Maharal #1 (Be'er ha'Golah 5:9, p. 101): A name indicates its bearer's essence. The ability to bestow names shows the wisdom with which man had been endowed.


Maharal #2 (Tif'eres Yisrael Ch. 33, p. 96): Man assigned names to the various creations, based on how each one associates with man. Even the angels use the names that man has assigned, for man is the foremost creation.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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