
KILAYIM IN BURIAL SHROUDS (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 9 Halachah 3 Daf 41b)

îùðä úëøéëé äîú åîøãòú ùì çîåø àéï áäï îùåí ëìàéí.


(Mishnah): Burial shrouds and a donkey's packsaddle have no prohibition of Kilayim.

ìà éúï àú äîøãòú òì ëúéôå àôéìå ìäåöéà òìéä àú äæáì.


One should not place a packsaddle on his shoulder, even to use it to take out manure.

îåëøé ëñåú îåëøéï ëãøëï åáìáã ùìà éúëååðå áçîä îôðé äçîä åáâùîéí îôðé äâùîéí. åäöðåòéï îôùéìéï ìàçåøéäï áî÷ì.


Garment sellers may sell in their regular way, as long as they don't intend to shade themselves in the summer and protect themselves from the rain in the rainy season. The virtuous ones drape them over a stick.

úåôøé ëñåú úåôøéï ëãøëï åáìáã ùìà éúëååðå áçîä îôðé äçîä åáâùîéí îôðé äâùîéí. åäöðåòéï úåôøéï áàøõ:


Tailors may sew them in the regular way (with the material draped over their lap) as long as they don't intend to shade themselves in the summer and protect themselves from the rain in the rainy season. The fastidious ones sew (them when they are laid out) on the ground.

âîøà úëøéëé äîú ëå'. ãëúéá (úäéìéí ôç) áîúéí çôùé. ëéåï ùàãí îú ðòùä çôùé îï äîöåú.


(Gemara): Burial shrouds... as the pasuk states (Tehillim 88:6), "...amongst the dead who are free" - when a person dies he becomes free from Mitzvos.


REBBI'S INSTRUCTIONS (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 9 Halachah 3 Daf 41b)

øáé öéåä ùìùä ãáøéí áùòú ôèéøúå îï äòåìí àì úæåæ àìîðúé îáéúé. [ãó òè òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åàì úñôãåðé áòééøåú. åîé ùðéèôì áé áçéé éèôì áé áîåúé.


Rebbi instructed three things before he died - don't remove my widow from my house, do not eulogize me in the cities and whoever served me during my life shall serve me in my death.

àì úæåæ àìîðúé îáéúé. åìàå îúðéúà äéà àìîðä ùàîøä àé àéôùé ìæåæ îáéú áòìé.


Don't move my widow from my house - isn't there a Mishnah that teaches this (Kesuvos 12:3), "If a widow said, 'I can't leave my husband's house'" (she can't be removed against her will)...?

àîø øáé ãøåñàé ãìà ééîøåï ìä áéúà ãðùéåúä äåà îùåòáã äåà ìðéùéåúä.


(R. Drusai): So that they shouldn't say that the honor of the Nasi's house overrides the widow's honor.

àîø øáé ìòæø áø éåñä ëäãà ãúðé ãøä ááúéí ëùí ùäéúä ãøä áäï åáòìä ðúåï áîãéðú äéí. åîùúîùú áëìé ëñó åáëìé æäá ëùí ùäéúä îùúîùú åáòìä ðúåï áîãéðú äéí. åðéæåðú ëùí ùäéúä ðéæåðú åáòìä ðúåï áîãéðú äéí.


(R. Elazar ben Yosa): (It's needed to teach that) she lives in the home, uses the silver and gold utensils and is sustained as if her husband was overseas.

åàì úñôãåðé áòééøåú îôðé äîçìå÷ú.


Don't eulogize me in the cities - to prevent arguments (when the villagers also come into the city for the eulogies and there isn't sufficient room for everyone).

åîé ùðèôì áé áçéé éèôì áé áîåúé. àîø øáé çððéä ãöéôåøéï ëâåï éåñé àôøúé åéåñó çôðéí.


Whoever served me during my life shall serve me in my death. R. Chananya of Tziporin said that it was Yosi Efrati and Yosef Chafanim.

øáé çæ÷éä îåñéó àì úøáå òìé úëøéëéï. åúäà àøåðé ð÷åáä [ãó îá òîåã à] áàøõ.


R. Chizkiyah added another instruction that Rebbi gave - don't use too many burial shrouds (or it will cause extra decomposition) and ensure that my coffin be perforated in the ground (to allow the body to decompose quickly).

îéìúà àîøéï áñãéï àçã ð÷áø øáé. ãøáé àîø ìà ëîä ãáø àéðù àæì äåà àúé. åøáðéï àîøéï ëîä ãáø àéðù àæéì äåà àúé.


Some say that Rebbi was buried in just one sheet, as Rebbi said that a person does not return at the Resurrection of the Dead in the same garments as he was buried. But the Rabbanan said that he does return that way.

úðé áùí øáé ðúï ëñåú äéåøãú òí àãí ìùàåì äéà áàä òîå îä èòîà (àéåá ìç) úúäôê ëçåîø çåúí åéúéöáå ëîå ìáåù.


(Baraisa citing R. Nasan): The garment that goes down with a person to the grave comes out with him as well, as the pasuk states (Iyov 38:14), "It's changed like clay under the seal and they stand like a garment."

àðèåìéðåñ ùàì ìøáé îäå úúäôê ëçåîø çåúí à"ì îé ùäåà îáéà àú äãåø äåà îìáéùå.


Antolinus asked Rebbi the meaning of the phrase, "It's changed like clay under the seal" Rebbi replied, "The One who brings them back will clothe them (in new clothes).

øáé éåçðï îô÷ã îìáùåðé áåøéãé÷à ìà çéååøéï åìà àåëîéï àéï ÷îéú áéðé öãé÷ééà ìà âáäú àéï ÷éîú áéðé øùéòéà ìà âáäú.


R. Yochanan instructed, "Dress me in Techeles colored shrounds, not white and not black, so that if I arise amongst the Tzadikim, I won't be embarrassed and if I arise amongst the Reshaim, I won't be embarrassed."

øáé éàéùä îô÷ã àìáùåðé çååøéï çôéúéï. àîøéï ìéä åîä àú èá îï øáê. àîø ìåï åîä àðà áäéú áòáãàé.


R. Yaisha instructed, "Dress me in white shrouds sewn properly." They asked him, "How are you better than your Rav?" He replied, "Am I embarrassed from my actions?"

øáé éøîéä îô÷ã àìáùåðé çååøéï çôéúéï àìáùåðé áðøñéé éäáåï îñðà áøâìéé åçåèøà áéãéé åéäáåðé òì ñéèøà àéï àúà îùéçà àðà îòúã.


R. Yirmiyah instructed, "Dress me in white shrouds that are sown properly. Dress me in what I would wear during my life. Put shoes on my feet, a stick in my hand and place me on my side, so that when Moshiach comes, I will be ready to greet him."

öôøéà àîøéï îàï ãàîø ìï øáé ãîê àðï ÷èìé' ìéä àãé÷ ìåï áø ÷ôøà øéùéä îëñé îàðåé îáæòéï.


The people of Tzipori said, "Whoever tells us that Rebbi died, we will kill him". When Rebbi died, Bar Kapara put his head out of the window with his head covered and wearing torn clothes".

àîø ìåï îöå÷éí åàøàìéí úôåñéï áìåçåú äáøéú åâáøä éãï ùì àøàìéí åçèôå àú äìåçåú. àîøéï ìéä ãîê øáé. àîø ìåï àúåï àîøéúåï å÷øòåï. åàæì ÷ìà ã÷øòåï ìâå ôôúä îäìê úìúà îéìéï.


He said to them - "Metzukim (the righteous) and Arelim (angels) are grabbing the Tablets of the Covenant (i.e. Rebbi) and the Arelim have overcome and grabbed the Tablets." They said, "Rebbi has died". He said, "You said it yourselves." They tore their garments and the sound of their tearing travelled until Papata, which was 3 Mil away.

øáé ðçîï áùí øáé îðà îòùä ðéñéï ðòùå áàåúå äéåí òøá ùáú äéúä åðúëðñå ëì äòééøåú ìäñôéãå åàùéøåðéä úîðé òùøä ëðéùï åàçúåðéä ìáéú ùøéé åúìä ìåï éåîà òã ùäéä ëì àçã åàçã îâéò ìáéúå åîîìà ìå çáéú ùì îéí [ãó ô òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åîãìé÷ ìå àú äðø.


(R. Nachman citing R. Mana): Miracles occurred that day - it was Erev Shabbos and all of the people of the cities to eulogize him, They stopped with his coffin at 18 synagogues and buried him in Beis Shearim. The sun didn't set until everyone was able to return home before Shabbos and fill a barrel of water and light a candle.

ëéåï ùù÷òä äçîä ÷øà äâáø. ùøåï îöé÷éï àîøéï ãéìîà ãçììéðï ùáúà. éöúä áú ÷åì åàîøä ìäï ëì îé ùìà ðúòöì áäñôãå ùì øáé éäà îáåùø ìçéé äòåìí äáà áø îï ÷öøà. ëéåï ãùîò ëï ñìé÷ ìéä ìàéâøà åèì÷ âøîéä åîéú. ðô÷ áú ÷ìà åàîøä åàôéìå ÷öøà.


When the sun set, the cockerel crowed (as the next day was already dawning). The people began to rebuke themselves, thinking that they might have broken Shabbos. A Heavenly Voice announced, "Whoever wasn't lazy in the eulogy of Rebbi is invited to the World to Come, aside from the laundryman (who would come every day to Rebbi, but had not come on that day). When he heard this voice, in his great pain, he went up to the roof and threw himself off. A Heavenly Voice announced that even the laundryman is invited to the World to Come.