
A QUARTER KAV OF ANOTHER SEED (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 5b)

îùðä ëì ñàä ùéù áä øåáò æøò îîéï àçø éîòè.


(Mishnah): Any Seah of seeds (to be planted) that has in it a Beis Rova (quarter Kav) (i.e. 1/24th) of another seed, he must reduce it (to less than 1/24th - either by increasing the majority or reducing the minority).

øáé éåñé àåîø éáåø áéï îîéï àçã áéï îùðé îéðéï.


(R. Yosi): He should remove all of the quarter Kav, whether it contains one or two species.

øáé ùîòåï àåîø ìà àîøå àìà îîéï àçã.


(R. Shimon): The prohibition of a Beis Rova (quarter Kav) of another seed is only if it is entirely from one type of seed (as if the quarter Kav consists of multiple species of seed, it is not prohibited).

åçëîéí àåîøé' ëì ùäåà ëìàéí áñàä îöèøó ìøåáò.


(Chachamim): Anything which is Kilayim with the Seah's seed combines to make a quarter Kav. (Two types of seeds combine to make the quarter Kav only if both of them are considered Kilayim with the species of the Seah.)

[ãó é òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] áîä ãáøéí àîåøé' úáåàä áúáåàä å÷èðéú á÷èðéú úáåàä á÷èðéú å÷èðéú áúáåàä.


When must a quarter Kav be reduced? When grain is mixed with grain (e.g. wheat with barley); beans with beans (e.g. beans and lentils) and beans with grain.

áàîú àîøå æéøòåðé âéðä ùàéðï ðàëìéï îöèøôéï àçã îòùøéí åàøáòä áðåôì ìáéú ñàä.


In truth they said that garden seeds that are not eaten (such as garlic or turnip seeds) combine to be 1/24th in a Beis Seah.

àîø øáé ùîòåï ëùí ùàîøå ìäçîéø àó ìä÷ì.


(R. Shimon): Just as they gave the rule of 1/24th resulting in a stringency (for garden seeds of which a small amount is sown in a Beis Seah), so too they gave it to result in a leniency (for seeds of which a large amount is sown in a Beis Seah)...

äôùúï áúáåàä îöèøôú àçã îòùøéí åàøáòä [ãó å òîåã à] áðåôì ìáéú ñàä:


(Therefore) flax (that needs 3 Seah to seed an area of a Beis seah) that was mixed with grain, would also follow the rule of 1/24th.

âîøà àðï úðéðï ùéù áä àéú úðéé úðé ùðôì ìúåëä.


(Gemara): Our text of the Mishnah is that it's a Seah 'that has in it' a quarter Kav of another species. Some Tannaim have the text 'that fell in it' a quarter Kav of another species.

àîø øáé îðà îàï ãàîø ùéù áä àçã îòùøéí åàøáòä îàï ãàîø ùðôì ìúåëä àçã îòùøéí åçîùä.


(R. Mana): The text of 'has in it' understood that there were 23 quarter Kavs of one species and one quarter Kav of a second species, totalling 24 quarter Kavs. The text of 'fell into it' understood that there were already 24 quarter Kavs before the quarter Kav of a second species fell in, totalling 25 quarter Kavs.

àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï áéï ëîàï ãàîø ùéù áä áéï ëîàï ãàîø ùðôì ìúåëä àçã îòùøéí åàøáòä.


(R. Yosi bei R. Bun disagrees): According to either text, the total was 24 quarter Kavs.

îàé ëãåï îàï ãàîø ùéù áä áúìåù. îàï ãàîø ùðôì ìúåëä áîçåáø.


If so, what's the difference between the two texts? The text of 'has in it' refers to when the second species mixed in before they were planted. The text of 'fell into it' refers to the second species growing together with it.

îä ðï ÷ééîéï àí áîúëåéï ìæøò àôéìå çéèä àçú àñåø. àí ìòøá àôéìå ëì ùäåà àñåø ìòøá.


What's the case? If he intended to plant the second species together with it, even if it was only one wheat stalk, it would be prohibited. If he mixes them to sell, no amount of a different species may be mixed (as he is defrauding the customer).