GRAFTING OLIVE BRANCHES (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 1 Halachah 7 Daf 3b)
úðé àéï îøëéáéï æéúéí áøëá ùì úîøä îôðé ùäåà àéìï áàéìï.
Baraisa: One may not graft an olive branch even onto the trunk of a female date palm, as it's considered grafting a tree onto a tree.
øáé éåãï áòé åìéú äãà ôìéâà òì øáé ìåé (úäéìéí ÷ëç) àùúê ëâôï ôåøéä áéøëúé áéúê ëùúéìé æúéí ñáéá ìùåìçðê. îä æéúéí àéï áäï äøëáä. àó [ãó ã òîåã à] áðéê ìà éäà áäï ôñåìú. äà îëìì ùéù áäï ôñåìú.
Question (R. Yudan): Doesn't this disagree with R. Levi, who said - the pasuk states (Tehillim 128:3), "Your wife is like a fruitful vine in the inner chambers of your house; your children are like olive saplings around your table". Just as olive branches cannot graft with other trees (meaning that if they are grafted, only olives will grow); so too, your children will (not mix with other nations and not have any disqualified offspring. But the Baraisa prohibited grafting with a date palm, which suggests that it can produce a mixed fruit?
[ãó å òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ùðééà äéà äëà ùäåà òúéã ìîú÷ä ëäãà øáé ùîòåï áø' äåä îù÷é ôøñú÷éä ééï îáåùì áùáéì ìîú÷ä:
Answer: Even though the olive branch cannot successfully graft with the date palm, the date palm can sweeten the olives that grow - like the way that R. Shimon bei Rebbi would water his peach tree with boiled wine in order to sweeten its fruits.
INSERTING A VINE BRANCH INTO A WATERMELON (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 1 Halachah 8 Daf 4a)
îùðä àéï ðåèòéï éø÷ áúåê ñãéï ùì ùé÷îà àéï îøëéáéï ôéâí ò"â ÷éãä ìáðä îôðé ùäåà éø÷ áàéìï.
(Mishnah): One may not plant a vegetable on a sycamore stump. One may not graft the Pigam (herb) onto a white Kida tree, as it is considered grafting a vegetable with a tree.
àéï ðåèòéï ééçåø ùì úàéðä ìúåê äçöåá ùéäà î÷åøå:
One may not graft a young fig branch onto a Chatzuv, even if his purpose is merely to cool the Chatzuv.
àéï úåçáéï æîåø' ùì âôï ìúåê äàáèéç ùúäà æåø÷ú îéîéä ìúåëï îôðé ùäåà àéìï áéø÷:
One may not insert an attached vine branch into an Avatiach (watermelon) in order that the water inside it be drawn into the vine branch, as it is considered grafting a tree onto a vegetable.
àéï ðåúðéï æøò ãìòú ìúåê äçìîåú ùúäà îùîøúå îôðé ùäåà éø÷ áéø÷:
One may not put a pumpkin seed into Chalamus even in order to protect it (so that it can grow into a pumpkin) as it is considered grafting a vegetable onto a vegetable.
âîøà øáé æëøéä çúðéä ãøáé ìåé áòé áìà ëê àéðå àñåø îùåí æøòéí úçú äâôï.
(Gemara) Question (R. Zecharia, son in law of R. Levi): With the reason given, wouldn't it still be prohibited to insert a vine branch into a watermelon, since the vine branch is still connected to the vine, and it is as if he is planting melon seeds under a vine?
àîø øáé éåñé úéôúø áîòîé÷ ùåøù ìîèä îùìùä èôçéí çåõ ìùùä.
Answer (R. Yosi): He distanced the branch 6 Tefachim from the vine and then inserted it 3 Tefachim below the ground into the watermelon.
ëäãà ãúðé ùøùé ôéàä äðëðñéí ìúåê àøáò àîåú ùáëøí. ìîèä îùìùä èôçéí äøé àéìå îåúøéï:
Support (Baraisa): Pia (herb) roots that are within 4 Tefachim of a vineyard - if they are 3 Tefachim below the ground, they are permitted.