MIXTURES OF TEVEL, CHULIN AND MAASER (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 7 Halachah 7 Daf 33a)
[ãó òã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä îàä èáì îàä çåìéï ðåèì îàä åàçú
(Mishnah): If 100 parts Tevel became mixed with 100 parts Chulin (tithed produce), he removes 101 parts.
îàä èáì îàä îòùø ðåèì îàä åàçú
If 100 parts Tevel became mixed with 100 parts Maaser, he removes 101 parts.
îàä çåìéï îúå÷ðéï îàä [ãó òã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îòùø ðåèì îàä åòùø
If 100 parts Chulin became mixed with 100 parts Maaser, he removes 110 parts.
[ãó ìâ òîåã á] îàä èáì åúùòéí îòùø úùòéí èáì åùîåðéí îòùø ìà äôñéã ëìåí
If 100 parts Tevel became mixed with 90 parts Maaser or 90 parts Tevel with 80 parts Maaser, he hasn't lost anything.
æä äëìì ëì æîï ùäèáì îøåáä ìà äôñéã ëìåí:
The general rule is that as long as the Tevel is the greater portion of the mixture, he hasn't lost anything.
âîøà ø"ù áï ì÷éù àîø öøéê ìäúðåú åìåîø àí èáì òìä áéãé äåà îòùø åàí îòùø òìä áéãé äøé äåà òùåé úøåîú îòùø
(Gemara) (R. Shimon ben Lakish): (When the Mishnah said that if 100 parts Tevel became mixed with 100 parts Maaser, he must remove 101 parts) he must stipulate that if Tevel comes to his hand, it is Maaser and if Maaser comes to his hand, it is the Terumas Maaser.
[ãó òä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] à"ø éåðä öøéê ìëôåì úðééå åìåîø åàí ìàå ìà òùéúé ëìåí
(R. Yona): He must double his stipulation by saying that (if Tevel comes to his hand, it is Maaser) and if not, I haven't done anything.
øáé éåçðï àîø àéðå öøéê ìëôåì úðééå
(R. Yochanan): He doesn't need to double it.
ãéï ëãòúéä åãéï ëãòúéä ãàéúôìâéï ùðé ëøééí (åàçã)[áàçú] îäï øáé éåçðï àîø ÷ãùå îãåîòéï åø"ù áï ì÷éù àîø ìà ÷ãùå
Each one follows his opinion elsewhere - as they disagreed in the following case - There were two Kur of wheat in front of him and he said, "The Terumah of both of them should be in one of them in its north or its south" (without specifying which) - R. Yochanan said that the Terumah takes effect in one of them, but since it is unclear which, both are considered Medumeh - a mixture that partially contains Terumah. R. Shimon ben Lakish said that neither thereby contain Terumah.
à"ø îðà çåì÷éï òì ø"à áï òøê ãúðé îòùø èáì ùðúòøá áçåìéï àí éù ìå ôøðñä îî÷åí àçø îåöéàå ìôé çùáåï åàí ìàå ø"à áï òøê àåîø é÷øà ìä ùí ìúøåîú îòùø ùáå åéòìä áàçã åîàä
(R. Mana): They are unlike R. Elazar ben Arach in a Tosefta (in Terumos) - Maaser Rishon (before Terumas Maaser had been taken) became mixed with Chulin - if the owner has sustenance from elsewhere (from which he can tithe), he should calculate and remove from there. If not, R. Elazar ben Arach says that he should declare its Terumas Maaser and it can be annulled in 101 parts of Chulin. (R. Elazar ben Arach allows him to rely on intentionally annulling, but our Mishnah does not allow it.)
[ãó òä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] à"ø áà áø îîì úéôúø áãáøéí ùàéï ìäï òìééä
(R. Ba bar Mamal): They need not be disagreeing - the Mishnah can be referring to items that cannot be annulled because they have importance (such as Perech Nuts. See Maseches Orlah 3:7).
øáé äìì áï ôæé áòé åéôöò
Question (R. Hillel ben Pazi): According to R. Elazar ben Arach, why not crack the nuts, and they will become annulled (since he says that one may intentionally annul)...?
àîø øáé éåðä îåúø ìôöò ìà ëï úðéðï ðúôöòå äàâåæéí ìùòáø äà áúçéìä ìà
Response (R. Yona): Is it permitted to crack them? Didn't the next Mishnah there (Maseches Orlah) teach 'if they became cracked' - only if it happened, but ideally not?!
àîø øáé éåðä ëéðé îúðéú' ëì æîï ùäèáì îøåáä òì äîòùø (îòùø)[òùø] ìà äôñéã ëìåí
(R. Yona): Rather, the Mishnah is teaching that as long as there is ten more Tevel than Maaser, he hasn't lost anything.
øáé ìåéðèé áùí øáé éåðä ëì èáì ãàðï ÷ééîéðï äëà èáì ìøàùåï åìùðé
(R. Levinti citing R. Yona): Our Mishnah is talking about Tevel meaning that it has not had Maaser Rishon and Sheni taken (but the Terumah Gedolah was already taken).
øáé àáäå àîø àéúôìâåï øáé åøáé ãåñúé áé øáé éðàé çã àîø òåùä àåúä ùðé ìî÷åí àçø [ãó òå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åçøðà àîø òåùä ëåìå ùðé ìî÷åí àçø åîôøéù òìéå øàùåï (ìî÷åí)[îî÷åí] àçø
(R. Abahu): Rebbi and R. Dustai bei R. Yannai disagreed (concerning the Mishnah's case of 100 Tevel and 100 Chulin, that he removes 101 parts and gives it to the Kohen) - one said that (if he wants to avoid separating 101 parts and selling it to a Kohen) he can make the Tevel in the mixture Maaser Sheni for other produce and then redeem the Maaser Sheni and use the entire mixture for himself. The other said that he can make all of it Maaser Sheni for other produce, but he must then separate Maaser Rishon for it from other produce.
îä ðï ÷ééîéï îàä (èáì)[îòùø] åúùòéí (îòùø)[èáì] ðåèì úùòéí åùúéí çñø òéùåø àçã îàä (èáì)[îòùø] åùîåðéí (îòùø)[èáì] ðåèì ùîåðéí åùìù çñø ùðé òùøåðéí îéëï åäéìê ìôé çùáåï:
What do we hold in this Baraisa - If 100 Maaser Rishon figs and 90 figs of Tevel became mixed, he should remove 91.9 figs. If there were 100 Maaser and 80 Tevel, he should remove 82.8 - and the calculation continues in this way. (For example, if he had 70 Tevel, he should remove 73.7 figs.)