MISAH BI'YDEI SHAMAYIM AND KARES (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 2 Halachah 1 Daf 6a)
îúðé' äúøåîä åäáëåøéí çééáéï òìéäï îéúä åçåîù åàñåøéí ìæøéí åäï ðéëñé [ãó å òîåã á] ëäï
(Mishnah): Terumah and Bikurim, [a Zar who ate them] is Chayav Misah [bi'Ydei Shamayim if he was Mezid] and adds a Chomesh [if he was Shogeg], and they are forbidden to a Zar, they are the property of the Kohen;
åòåìéï áàçã åîàä åèòåðéí øçéöú éãéí åäòøá ùîù
They are Batel in a mixture of 101 (there is 100 times as much Chulin as them), they require Netilas Yadayim [before touching them], and a Tevul Yom needs Ha'arev Shemesh (before they are permitted to him).
äøé àìå áúøåîä åááëåøéí îä ùàéï áîòùø:
These apply to Terumah and Bikurim, but not to Ma'aser.
âî' äúøåîä åäáëåøéí åëå'.
(Gemara - Mishnah): Terumah and Bikurim...
ëúéá [áîãáø éç ç] åàðé äðä ðúúé ìê àú îùîøú úøåîåúé ùúé úøåîåú äúøåîä åäáëåøéí.
It says "va'Ani Hinei Nasati Lecha Es Mishmeres Terumosai" - [the plural teaches] two Terumos, i.e. Terumah and Bikurim;
(úøåîä ãëúéá [åé÷øà ëá è] åìà éùàå òìéå çèà åîúå áå ëé éçììåäå - äâø"à îåç÷å îëàï åâåøñå ìîèä] äáëåøéí ãëúéá [ãáøéí éá å] åäáàúí ùîä òåìåúéëí [ö"ì ... îòùøåúéëí åàú úøåîú éãëí - äâø"à] àìå äáëåøéí ãëúéá [ùí ëå ã] åì÷ç äëäï äèðà îéãê.
Bikurim [are called Terumah], for it says "v'Haveisem Shamah Oloseichem... v'Es Terumas Yedchem" - these are Bikurim, for it says "v'Lakach ha'Kohen ha'Tene mi'Yadecha";
[ö"ì åëúéá [åé÷øà ëá è] åìà éùàå òìéå çèà åîúå áå ëé éçììåäå - äâø"à]
[And Terumah has a Chiyuv Misah], for it says "v'Lo Yis'u Alav Chet u'Mesu Vo Ki Yechaleluhu";
àå ðàîø á÷ãùéí äëúåá îãáø.
Suggestion: Perhaps this verse discusses Kodshim [and not Terumah]!
ëáø ëúéá ëøú á÷ãùéí åéäà îéúä åëøú á÷ãùéí. åëé éù îú åçåæø åîú
Rejection: Kares is already written about Kodshim - will there be Misah and Kares (which includes Misah bi'Ydei Shamayim) for Kodshim?! Does a person die and die again?!
ëäãà ãúðé äîú ìçîùéí ùðä îú áäéëøú ìçîùéí åùúéí æå äéà îéúú ùîåàì äðáéà ìùùéí îéúä äàîåøä áúåøä ìùáòéí îéúä ùì (çéáä) [ö"ì ùéáä - éôä îøàä] ìùîåðéí îéúä ùì æ÷ðä îëàï åàéìê çéé öòø.
This is like a Beraisa taught. If one died at 50, he died through Kares; 52 is the Misah of Shmuel ha'Navi; 60 is Misah [bi'Ydei Shamayim] said in the Torah; 70 is Misah of Seivah (old age - YEFE MAR'EH); 80 is Misah of Ziknah (old age); past this is a life of pain.
îä çîéú îéîø îú ìçîùéí îú áäéëøú
Question: Why do you say that if one died at 50, he died through Kares?
ëúéá [áîãáø ã éç éè] àì úëøéúå àú ùáè îùôçåú ä÷äúé åâå' åæàú òùå ìäí åçéå åìà éîåúå. òùå ìäí ãáø ùì ú÷ðä ùìà éæåðå òéðéäí îáéú ÷ãù ä÷ãùéí.
Answer #1: It says "Al Tachrisu Es Shevet Mishpechos ha'Kehasi... v'Zos Asu Lahem v'Chayu v'Lo Yamusu" - make a solution for them so their eyes will not enjoy seeing the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim;
åëúéá [ùí ë] åìà éáåàå ìøàåú ëáìò àú ä÷ãù åîúå åëúéá [ùí ç ëä] åîáï çîùéí ùðä éùåá îöáà äòáåãä.
And it says "v'Lo Yavo'u Lir'os k'Vala Es ha'Kodesh va'Mesu", and it says "umi'Ven Chamishim Shanah Yashuv mi'Tzva ha'Avodah" (this Misah applies only before 50).
øáé àáéï áøéä ãøáé úðçåí áø èøéôåï ùîò ìä îï äëà [úäéìéí ö é] éîé ùðåúéðå áäí ùáòéí ùðä öà îäï òùøéí [ùðä] ùàéï áéú ãéï ùì îòìï òåðùéï åëåøúéï ðîöàú àåîø äîú ìçîùéí [ùðä] îú áäéëøú.
Answer #2: R. Avin brei d'R. Tanchum learns from here - "Yemei Shenoseinu Shiv'im Shanah" - deduct from them 20, for the Beis Din above does not punish and give Kares (before 20). It turns out if one died at 50, he died through Kares. (He lost the years for which Beis Din above does not punish. - R. SHLOMO SIRILIYO)
ìçîùé' åùúéí îéúú ùîåàì äðáéà.
(Beraisa): At 52 is the Misah of Shmuel ha'Navi.
ø' àáà áøéä ãø' ôôé ø' éäåùò ãñéëðéï áùí øáé ìåé [îùìé éã ëâ] áëì òöá éäéä îåúø åãáø ùôúéí àê ìîçñåø. çðä òì éãé ùøéáúä áúôéìúä ÷éöøä áéîéå ùì ùîåàì ùàîøä [ùîåàì à à ëá] åéùá ùí òã òåìí
(R. Aba brei d'R. Yehoshua of Sichnin citing R. Levi): "B'Chol Etzev Yihyeh Mosar u'Davar Sefasayim Ach l'Machsor" - since [Chanah] prayed excessively, she caused Shmuel's years to be shortened! She said "v'Yashav Sham Ad Olam".
åäìà àéï (òåìîå ùì ìåé) [ö"ì òåìí - äâø"à] àìà çîùéí ùðä ãëúéá (åîáï çîùéí ùðä éùåá îöáà äòáåãä) [ö"ì åòáãå ìòåìí - äâø"à] åäéé ãìåï çîùéï åúøúé
Question: "Olam" is 50 years - "v'Avado l'Olam" (until Yovel) and [Shmuel] lived to be 52!
à"ø éåñé á"ø áåï åùúéí ùâîìúå.
Answer (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): ["Olam" does not include the] two years [that he nursed] before she weaned him [and brought him to the Mishkan. He lived 50 years from then.]
ìùùéí îéúä äàîåøä áúåøä
(Beraisa): At 60 is Misah [b'Yedei Shamayim] said in the Torah.
øáé çæ÷éä áùí øáé éò÷á áø àçà ëúéá [ãáøéí à ìä] àí éøàä àéù áàðùéí äàìä äãåø äøò äæä åâå' äâò òöîê
Source #1 (R. Chizkiyah citing R. Yakov bar Acha): It says "Im Yir'eh Ish ba'Anashim ha'Eleh ha'Dor ha'Ra ha'Zeh" - exert yourself [and you will find the answer]!
ùéöà îîöøéí áï òùøéí ùðä åòåã òùä áîãáø àøáòéí ùðä åîú ðîöàú àåîø äîú ìùùéí ùðä îéúä äàîåøä áúåøä
If one left Mitzrayim at the age of 20, and he was 40 years in the Midbar, and died, it turns out that one who dies at 60 years, this is Misah said in the Torah. (There was no decree on people below 20.)
åëúéá [àéåá ä ëå] úáà áëìç àìé ÷áø.
Source #2: "Tavo v'Chelach Elei Kaver" (the Gematriya of v'Chelach is 60).
ìùáòéí [ùðä] îéúä ùì (çéáä) [ö"ì ùéáä - éôä îøàä]
(Beraisa): At 70 is Misah of Seivah.
[ãëúéá] [úäéìéí ö é] éîé ùðåúéðå áäí ùáòéí ùðä.
Source: "Yemei Shenoseinu Shiv'im Shanah."
Note: I do not understand how we learn from the verse. RASHBASH (Magen Avos) and BARTENURA (on Avos 5:21) learn from David "va'Yamos b'Seivah Tovah" (he lived to be 70); RASHI there says that at 70, most of his hair is white. He also brings a source from Iyov.
ìùîåðéí îéúä ùì æ÷ðä
(Beraisa): At 80 is Misah of Ziknah.
ùðàîø åàí áâáåøåú ùîåðéí ùðä
Source #1: "V'Im bi'Gevuros Shemonim Shanah." (YEFE MAR'EH - this is the end of natural old age).
åëï áøæéìé àîø ìãåã [ùîåàì á éè ìå] áï ùîåðéí ùðä àðëé äéåí äàãò áéï èåá ìøò.
Source #2: Barzilai told David "Ben Shemonim Shanah Anochi ha'Yom ha'Eda Bein Tov l'Ra."
(àôø) [ö"ì òáø - îäø"à ôåìãà, äâø"à] çîùéí åòùä ãáø ùäåà áäéëøú (àáì øá çãé. àôø) [ö"ì àëì åçãé òáø - îäø"à ôåìãà, äâø"à] ùéúéï åòùä ãáø ùäåà áòåï îéúä (àáì çãé) [ö"ì àëì åçãé - îäø"à ôåìãà, äâø"à]
Question: If one passed 50 and did something with a punishment of Kares, he eats and rejoices [that he will not get Kares]?! If one passed 60 and did something with a punishment of Misah, he eats and rejoices?!
úðé øáé çðéðà áï àðèéâðåñ àåîø æ÷ï ùàëì àú äçìá (åëé îé îåãéòðå ùäåà áäéëøú ëäãà ãúðéà - äâø"à îåç÷å îëàï åâåøñå ìîèä] àå ùçéìì àú äùáú îú áäéëøú [ö"ì åëé îé îåãéòðå ùäåà áäéëøú - äâø"à ò"ô øã"ì]
(Beraisa - R. Chanina ben Antigenus) Question: If an old person ate Chelev or profaned Shabbos, he dies through Kares. Who will inform us that [he died] due to Kares? (He already passed the age of Misas Kares!)
àìà (ëéðé) [ö"ì ëäãà ãúðé - äâø"à ò"ô øã"ì] äîú ìéåí àçã îéúä ùì æòí ìùðéí îéúä ùì áäìä ìùìùä îú áîâôä.
Answer: This is like it was taught, one who dies on the day [he fell sick], this is death from [Divine] anger; on the second day, this is death of bewilderment; on the third day, he died from a plague.
úðé øáé çìôúà áï ùàåì îú áàçã áùðéí áùìùä [îú] áäéëøú ìàøáòä ìçîùä îéúä äãåôä. ìùùä îéúú ãøê äàøõ. ìùáòä îéúä ùì çéáä îëàï åàéìê îú áééñåøéí.
(R. Chalafta ben Sha'ul): If he died on day one, two or three, he died through Kares. On day four or five, this is Misah Hadufah (YEFE MAR'EH - Misah bi'Ydei Shamayim). On day six is normal death. On day seven is death of dearness. Past this, he died amidst afflictions.
îä çîéú îéîø îú ìùìùä éîéí îú áîâôä.
Question: Why did [the above answer] say that on the third day, he died from a plague?
çéìôéé áø áøéä ãøáé àáäå àîø ùîòéú ÷ìéä (ãøáé) [ö"ì ãñáé - àäáú öéåï åéøåùìí, ùòøé úåøú àøõ éùøàì] ãøù [ùîåàì à ëä ìç] åéäé ëòùøú äéîéí åéâåó ä' àú ðáì åéîú. úìä ìå ä÷ãåù áøåê äåà ùáòú éîé àáìå ùì ùîåàì ùìà éúòøá àáìå òí äöãé÷ åòùä òåã ùìùä éîéí åîú áîâôä.
Answer (Chilfai bar brei d'R. Avahu): I heard the voice of my grandfather (R. Avahu - SHA'AREI TORAS ERETZ YISRAEL) expounding "va'Yhi k'Aseres ha'Yamim va'Yigof Hash-m Es Naval va'Yamos" - Hash-m suspended for him (delayed his punishment) the seven days of mourning over Shmuel, not to mix it with the mourning over a Tzadik, and [then he fell sick, and lived] another three days and died from a plague.
øáé çâéé áùí øáé ùîåàì áø ðçîï ìòùøú éîéí àéï ëúéá ëàï àìà ëòùøú äéîéí úìä ìå ä÷ãåù áøåê äåà òùøä éîéí ëòùøú éîéí ùáéï øàù äùðä ìéåí äëéôåøéí ùîà éòùä úùåáä [ãó æ òîåã à] åìà òùä.
(R. Chagai citing R. Shmuel bar Nachman): It does not say l'Aseres Yamim, rather, "k'Aseres ha'Yamim" - Hash-m suspended for him like the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kipur, perhaps he will repent, but he did not [repent].