

בכסף רבי ירמיה אמר מאחר לרבו הא מרבו לאחר לא


The Mishnah taught that a slave can go free by giving money (of others) to the master. R. Yirmiyah says - if someone else gave money to the master it works, but it would not work for the master to give money to others. (Note: This entry and the next one follow the explanation of the Pnei Moshe.)

א''ר זעירא אפי' מרבו לאחר מהו מוציא מרבו לעצמו


R. Zeira disagrees: The master could give money to others. If another could free the slave through giving money to the master, the opposite is also true.

ר' ירמיה בעא קומי רבי זעירא הילך כסף זה (שתצא שדך) [שיצא עבדך] לחירות


Question (R. Yirmiyah to R. Zeira): What would be the law if a person said, "Take this money for your slave to go free''?

א''ל (יצאת) [יוצא]


Answer (R. Zeira): It would certainly work.

שתצא שדך להבקר


Question (R. Yirmiyah): What if he said,''...for your field to become hefker (ownerless)''?

א''ל לא יצאת


Answer (R. Zeira): It does not work.

מה בין זה לזה


Question (R. Yirmiyah): What is the difference between a slave and a field?

זה זיכה לבן דעת וזה לא זיכה לבן דעת


Answer (R. Zeira): In the case of the slave, the recipient is acquiring for a person (who has intellect), which is not the case for a field.

הגע עצמך שהיה חרש


Question (R. Yirmiyah): If so, what if the slave was a deaf-mute?

א''ל איש


Answer (R. Zeira): But he is still an adult (i.e. he is in the category of people who have intellect).

הגע עצמך שהיה קטן


Question (R. Yirmiyah): If so, what if the slave was a child?

א''ל דרכו להגדיל


Answer (R. Zeira): He will grow into someone with intellect.


THE OPINION OF R. SHIMON BEN ELAZAR (Yerushalmi Halachah 3 Daf 12b)

[דף יב עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] א''ר יונה אתייא דר' זעירא כר''ש בן אלעזר


R. Yona: R. Zeira (who says that the master could give the money to others) follows the opinion of R. Shimon ben Elazar...

דתני ר''ש בן אלעזר אומר משום ר' מאיר אף בשטר ע''י אחרים לא ע''י עצמו


Beraisa (R. Shimon ben Elazar citing R. Meir): The tana of our Mishnah had said (see earlier 22-2) (b)) that according to R. Meir he can acquire himself with a document through himself. R. Shimon ben Elazar disagrees and says that R. Meir holds that he must acquire himself with a document through others.

מהו בשטר ע''י אחרים לא ע''י עצמו לא רבו נותן שטר לאחרים שיצא עבדו לחירות אוף הכא רבו נותן כסף לאחרים שיצא עבדו לחירות


What is meant by "through others'' but not "through himself''? Is it not that the master gives the document to others for his slave will go free? Here also, the master gives money to others for his slave to go free.

א''ר אבון אתייא כר' דר' אמר אדם משחרר חצי עבדו


R. Avun: R. Shimon ben Elazar follows the opinion of Rebbi who said that a person could free half of his slave. (because if he was being completely freed, why could the slave not receive the document himself, using the principle that he acquires his hand and his document at the same time?)

ולית לרבנין אדם משחרר חצי עבדו


Question: Do the Rabbanan not agree that one could free half of his slave?

אית לון בעבד של שותפות אבל בעבד שכולו שלו שנייא היא שהוא בזכה מימינו לשמאלו


Answer: It could be achieved if he was owned by two partners (if one freed him and one did not), but if it is a slave owned by one master, (since half of him remains a slave, his hand automatically receives the document for the master and) it is as if the master transferred it from his right hand to his left.

ולית לר' שהוא כזכה מימינו לשמאלו


Question: Does Rebbi not agree that it is as if the master merely transferred it from his right hand to his left?

אית ליה במזכה לו על ידי אחר


Answer: Here, there is an acquisition since it is another person who receives the document to free half of the slave.

[דף יג עמוד א] ולית לרבנין במזכה לו על ידי אחר


Question: If this is the case, why do the Rabbanan disagree?

סברין רבנן הראוי לזכות על ידי עצמו ראוי לזכות על ידי אחר ושאינו ראוי לזכות על ידי עצמו אינו ראוי לזכות על ידי אחר


Answer: Rabbanan hold that whoever can acquire for himself can have others acquire for him; but whoever cannot, cannot have others acquire for him.

רבי אומר אע''פ שאינו ראוי לזכות על ידי עצמו ראוי לזכות לו על ידי אחרים


But Rebbi holds that even one who cannot acquire for himself can have others acquire for him.


A SLAVE WHO FINDS AN OWNERLESS ITEM (Yerushalmi Halachah 3 Daf 13a)

הגביה את המציאה ואמר על ידי שאזכה בה אני ולא רבי על כורחו זכה הוא ורבו או זכה הוא ולא רבו


Question: If a slave lifted an ownerless item and said, "I am acquiring it for myself and not for my master''. What is the law? Does it nevertheless become the master's or can he acquire it for himself?

נישמעינה מן הדא המודר הנייה מחתנו והוא רוצה לתת לבתו מעות אומר לה הרי המעות האילו נתונין לך מתנה ובלבד שלא יהא לבעליך רשות בהן אלא מה שאת נותנת לפיך


Answer (Mishnah in Nedarim): One who vowed against giving any benefit to his son-in-law and he wishes to give his daughter money, he should say to her, "This money is given to you as a gift on condition that your husband has no control over it, but rather, it should be used for food for yourself''.

תני ולא ליך


Beraisa: He must also stipulate explicitly that she herself is only acquiring it to use for her food.

א''ר זעירא מאן תני ולא ליך ר''מ דר''מ עביד יד עבד כיד רבו


R. Zeira: The author of this Beraisa is R. Meir, who views the hand of a slave like the hand of his master.

במתנה כרבי מאיר הוא יד האשה כיד בעלה במציאה כרבנין


Question: Is it only in the case of a gift that R. Meir holds that (the hand of the slave is like the master's and) the hand of a wife is like her husband's hand, but in the case of finding an ownerless item, he agrees to Rabbanan (that he could acquire for herself)?

אמר רבי זעירא קומי רבי מנא שנייא היא שהוא כזכה מדעת אחר


Answer (R. Zeira to R. Mana): A gift is different as another person is giving it.

א''ל ולא כל שכן היא מה אם שהיא כזכה מדעת אחר את אומר זכת האשה זכה בעלה כאן שהוא כזכה מדעת עצמו לא כל שכן זכה העבד יזכה רבו


Response (R. Mana): All the more so - if when she acquires from another person you say that whatever she acquires, goes to her husband; certainly when a slave acquires an ownerless item without another giving it, it should be acquired by the master.