[84a - 53 lines; 84b - 39 lines]

1)[line 22]וינכה להן מן הדמיםYENAKEH LAHEN MIN HA'DAMIM- he must deduct [a certain sum] from the money that they give him

2)[line 27]פגם משפחהPEGAM MISHPACHAH- discredit of the family, that others will be buried in their burial plot and that they must be buried in the burial plot of others

3a)[line 30]מעמדוMA'AMADO- a privately owned place reserved for "Ma'amad." In certain areas, after burying the dead, the funeral escort would walk a short distance and then stop and sit down to comfort the relatives of the deceased and to mourn ("Ma'amad u'Moshav"). They would repeat this procedure seven times. (RASHBAM Bava Basra 100b)

b)[line 30]ומקום הספידוU'MEKOM HESPEIDO- and the place where the eulogies are delivered

4)[line 35]לכושל שבהןL'KOSHEL SHE'BAHEN- to the weakest amongst them; the litigant with the greatest disadvantage

5)[line 49]לכושל שבראיהL'KOSHEL SHEB'RE'AYAH- to the one with the weakest evidence (whose document has the latest date and who therefore can only claim properties that were sold after that date)

6)[line 50]משום חינאMISHUM CHINA- (a) in order for men to find grace [in the eyes of women so that the women will agree to marry them] (RASHI); (b) [the Rabanan decreed that the incoming money would be used to pay Kesuvos so that woman would agree to serve their husbands with all their hearts in order to find favor in the eyes of their husbands (ARUCH)


7)[line 5]בסימטאB'SIMTA- in a corner that is next to Reshus ha'Rabim, to which merchants withdraw to transact business

8)[line 6]דון דייני כר' טרפוןDUN DAYANEI K'REBBI TARFON- [It once happened that] judges ruled like Rebbi Tarfon (in a case where one of the litigants seized an object or objects)

9)[line 8]עשית כשל תורהASISA K'SHEL TORAH!- You have made [the ruling of Rebbi Akiva] like a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai!

10)[line 9]טעה בדברTA'AH BI'DEVAR MISHNAH

(a)The mistaken rulings of a judge fall into two categories (Sanhedrin 33a). Ta'ah bi'Devar Mishnah means that the judge forgot an explicit Halachah. In such a situation, the judge reverses his mistaken ruling and permits what he originally prohibited, etc.

(b)The second type of mistake is termed a Ta'us b'Shikul ha'Da'as, and it involves a Halachah that is not explicit, but rather implicit. An example of this is when two Tana'im or Amora'im argue on a certain point, and the Gemara does not specify the Halachic ruling, however, the Halachah can be inferred from a Sugya elsewhere (e.g. the Gemara elsewhere follows one of the two opinions without mentioning the other one). A judge who rules like the unmentioned opinion is termed a To'eh b'Shikul ha'Da'as. He does not reverse the mistaken ruling in such a case, since it does have some basis.

11a)[line 17]הלכה איתמרHALACHAH ITMAR- (a) we teach publicly that Rebbi Akiva's ruling is to be followed (RASHI to Eruvin 46b); (b) we teach Rebbi Akiva's ruling publicly. If someone rules according to the contradictory opinion, we revoke the results (TOSFOS to Eruvin ibid. DH Rebbi Asi)

b)[line 18]מטין איתמרMATIN ITMAR- it was said "we lean/incline"; i.e. (a) we tell an individual to follow his ruling, but this is not taught publicly (RASHI ibid.); (b) we teach his ruling publicly. However, if someone rules according to the contradictory opinion, we protest the decision, but we do not revoke the results (TOSFOS ibid.).

12)[line 23]שכנגדי חלוק עליSHE'KENEGDI CHALUK ALAI- my peer disagrees with me

13)[line 23]בקרא דיתמיBAKARA D'YASMEI- cattle-herd of orphans

14)[line 23]דתפסי תורא מיניהD'SAFSI TORA MINEI- from whom a bull was seized [by a creditor of the deceased father]

15)[line 29]הגודרותHA'GODROS- small domesticated animals such as sheep and goats

16)[line 30]דבי נשיאהD'VEI NESI'AH- the household of the Nasi

17)[line 33]שפיר תפסיתוהSHAPIR TAFSITUHA- they seized it justly

18)[line 34]מחנפיתו להוMECHANFISU LEHU- you are favoring them

19)[line 36]הוה מסיק ביה זוזי בההוא גבראHAVAH MASIK BEI ZUZEI B'HAHU GAVRA- had lent money to a certain person

20)[line 37]ושביק ארבאV'SHAVIK ARBA- and he left (only) a boat