RESTRICTIONS ON WRITING OF DOCUMENTS (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 4 Daf 13a)
מתני' אין כותבין במחובר לקרקע כתבו במחובר תלשו וחתמו ונתנו לה כשר
(Mishnah): We do not write a Get on something attached to the ground. If one wrote it attached, detached it, had witnesses sign it and gave it to her, it is valid;
ור' יהודה פוסל עד שתהא כתובתו וחתימתו בתלוש
R. Yehudah disqualifies, unless it was written and signed while detached.
ר' יהודה בן בתירה אומר אין כותבין לא על הנייר המחוק ולא על הדיפתרא מפני שהוא יכול להזדייף
R. Yehudah ben Beseirah says, we do not write on a parchment that has already been erased; nor on a hide that has been salted and treated only with flour, but not with gall-nuts, because it can be forged (erasures on such parchments are not recognizable);
וחכמים מכשירין:
Chachamim are Machshir.
גמ' לית הא פליגא על רבי יוחנן דר' יוחנן אמר כתב תרפו בטופס כשר.
(Gemara): This does not argue with R. Yochanan. R. Yochanan said, [even] if one wrote the Toref (according to the Yerushalmi, this is 'you are permitted to every man') in the Tofes (without the husband's command), it is Kosher. (Even though he holds that only the signatures must be Lishmah, he decrees not to write the Get while attached, lest it be signed while attached - PNEI MOSHE.)
ר"ל אמר אם כתב תרפו בטופס פסול.
(Reish Lakish): If he wrote the Toref in the Tofes, it is Pasul.
שמואל בר אבא בעי כתבו וחתמו בתלוש חיברו ותלשו ונתנו לה מה אמר בה רבי יודה.
Question (Shmuel bar Aba): If he wrote it and signed it detached, attached it, detached it and gave it to her, what would R. Yehudah say?
רבי אלעזר אמר ר' אבין בעי כתבו (וחתמו) בתלוש חיברו (תלשו וחתמו) [צ"ל חתמו תלשו - קרבן העדה, פני משה] ונתנו לה מה אמרין בה רבנין.
Question (R. Elazar citing R. Avin): If he wrote it detached, attached it, signed it, detached it and gave it to her, what would Rabanan say? (Do they disqualify only signing on something that was attached from the beginning, or even what was detached and later attached? - PNEI MOSHE)
אמר רבי אלעזר מה פליגין בגיטין אבל בשטרות אוף (רבי יהודה מודה) [צ"ל רבנן מודו - קרבן העדה, ספר ניר].
(R. Elazar): They argue [in the Seifa] about Gitin, but [monetary] documents, even Rabanan agree [that they are Pasul];
[דף יג עמוד ב] די פתר לה שטר על (החלק ועדים על המחק) [צ"ל המחק ועדים על החלק - ספר ניר]
He explains [that R. Yehudah ben Beseirah and Chachamim argue about a parchment that has already been erased, i.e.] the document is on the Mechak (what was erased) and the witnesses are on the smooth (virgin parchment. All disqualify monetary documents, lest initially everything was on the smooth, and he erased the document and rewrote it as he wants.)
Note: All should disqualify also Gitin, due to this concern! Presumably, Rabanan are Machshir the Get only through Edei Mesirah. They are not concerned lest people rely on the signatures, for only Chachamim or Beis Din say that a Get is valid. However, a monetary document could be brought against an heir or simpleton who will not think to contest it.
ר"ל אמר לא שנייה היא בין בגיטין בין בשטרות היא המחלוקת
(Reish Lakish): There is no difference between Gitin and [monetary] documents. They argue about both.
די פתר לה שטר על החלק ועדים על המחק
He explains [that the Tana'im argue when] the document is on the smooth and the witnesses are on the Mechak. (He can erase the document and rewrite it as he wants, and all will be on the Mechak, so it looks like a proper document.)
וקשיא א"ל על דר' ליעזר אם בעדים על המחק בדא חכמים מכשירין.
Question (against R. Elazar): If the witnesses are on the Mechak, would Chachamim be Machshir?! (It can be forged!)
א"ר זעירא קומי רבי מנא חכמים שהן בשיטת ר' (אליעזר) [צ"ל לעזר - שנוי נוסחאות]
Answer (R. Ze'ira, in front of R. Mana): Chachamim hold like R. Lazar [who says that Edei Mesirah are primary. We are not concerned lest people rely on the signatures. We explained this based on SEFER NIR.]
(די פתר לה שטר על המחק ועדים על החלק - הגהות ר' יוסף דיננער מוחקו) שמואל אמר זה וזה על המחק.
(Shmuel): [They argue about when] both [the document and the witnesses] are on the Mechak.
יאות א"ר יהודה ומה טעמא דרבנין.
Question: R. Yehudah [ben Beseira] properly [disqualifies, for this can be forged - he can erase the document, and rewrite it to say like he wants]. What is Rabanan's reason [to be Machshir]?
א"ר אבא ניכר הוא אם נמחק פעם אחת ואם נמחק שתי פעמים:
Answer (R. Aba): It is recognized if [this part of the document] was erased once, and if [another part] was erased twice. (If he forges, it will be evident.)