(a)What does Beis Shamai extrapolate from the Pasuk in Ki Setzei "Ki Matza Bah Ervas Davar"?
(b)What do Beis Hillel extrapolate from "Davar" in the same Pasuk?
(c)Rebbi Akiva is the most lenient of all. From where does he learn that a man may divorce his wife simply because he found someone nicer than her?
(a)Beis Shamai extrapolate from the Pasuk in Ki Setzei "Ki Matza Bah Ervas Davar" that a man may only divorce his wife if he she is guilty of having committed adultery, and not for any other reason.
(b)Beis Hillel extrapolate from "Davar" in the same Pasuk that he may divorce her for any other fault that he finds in her (even if all she did was to burn the food).
(c)Rebbi Akiva is the most lenient of all. He learns that a man may divorce his wife simply because he found someone nicer than her from the Pasuk there "v'Hayah Im Lo Simtza Chen b'Einav ... ".
(a)According to ...
1. ... Beis Hillel, why does the Torah find it necessary to add "Ervas"?
2. ... Beis Shamai, the Torah writes "Davar" to Darshen a 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Davar" "Davar" from Edus. What this 'Gezeirah-Shavah teach us?
(b)Assuming that Beis Hillel agrees with the 'Gezeirah-Shavah', how do they manage to learn from there the Derashah in our Mishnah?
(c)How do Beis Shamai counter Beis Hillel's argument? What would the Torah have written had it wanted to teach us the option of divorcing one's wife for burning the food?
(d)What do Beis Hillel say to that?
(a)According to ...
1. ... Beis Hillel, the Torah needs to add "Ervas" to teach us that even if she committed adultery, she will be permitted to marry someone else once her husband has divorced her (since that is what the Pasuk is talking about there).
2. ... Beis Shamai, the Torah writes "Davar" to Darshen a 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Davar" "Davar" from Edus, from which we learn that here, like by Eidus, two witnesses are required.
(b)Despite the fact that that Beis Hillel agrees with the Gezeirah-Shavah', they nevertheless learn from there the Derashah in our Mishnah from the fact that the Torah, by not writing "Ervah b'Davar" lends itself to a second, independent Derashah.
(c)Beis Shamai counter Beis Hillel's argument by pointing out that, had the Torah wanted to teach us the option of divorcing one's wife for burning the food, it would have written "O Ervah O Davar" ...
(d)... to which Beis Hillel reply that the Torah writes "Ervas Davar" because it implies either of the two, just like "O Ervah O Davar" would.
(a)The above Machlokes is based on Reish Lakish, who gives four meanings to the word "Ki": 'I', 'Dilma', 'Ela' and 'Deha'. What do each of these mean?
(b)What does "Ki" mean in the Pasuk in Ekev "Ki Somar bi'Levav'cha Rabim ha'Goyim ha'Eleh ... Lo Sirah Meihem"?
(c)Why can it not mean 'if' (with the connotation of 'Pen')?
(d)Based on Reish Lakish, Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel argue with Rebbi Akiva over the interpretation of the word "Ki" in the Pasuk "v'Hayah Im Lo Simtza Chen b'Einav ... Ki Matza Bah Ervas Davar". How will we translate "Ki Matza Bah Ervas Davar" according to ...
1. ... Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel?
2. ... Rebbi Akiva?
(a)Reish Lakish gives four meanings to the word "Ki": 'I' if (or when), 'Dilma' perhaps (with the connotation of 'Pen' [lest], 'Ela' but, and 'D'ha' because.
(b)In the Pasuk "Ki Somar bi'Levav'cha Rabim ha'Goyim ha'Eleh ... Lo Siyrah Meihem", "Ki" means 'perhaps'.
(c)It cannot mean 'if' (with the connotation of 'Pen') because that would imply that if you do not say "Rabim ha'Goyim ha'Eleh ... ", then you shall be afraid of them" (which is obviously not correct).
(d)Based on Reish Lakish, Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel (see Tosfos DH 'Beis Shamai') argue with Rebbi Akiva over the interpretation of the word "Ki" in the Pasuk "v'Hayah Im Lo Simtza Chen b'Einav ... Ki Matza Bah Ervas Davar". According to ...
1. ... Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel, "Ki Matza Bah Ervas Davar" is translated as 'because he found in her Ervas Davar' (qualifying the earlier phrase).
2. ... Rebbi Akiva it is translated as 'when he found ... ' (making it an alternative reason for divorcing her).
(a)Rav Papa asked Abaye what the Din would be if he found neither 'Ervas nor 'Davar'. What (and according to which Tana) was he asking him?
(b)Rava answered from the Pasuk in Ki Setzei "Lo Yuchal Shalchah Kol Yamav". What Halachah is this Pasuk coming to teach us?
(c)How did Rava extrapolate the answer to Rav Papa's She'eilah from there?
(a)Rav Papa asked Abaye what the Din would be if he found neither 'Ervas nor 'Davar'. What he meant to ask was whether, according to Beis Hillel, if he divorced his wife because he disliked her, he would be obligated to take her back.
(b)Rava answered from the Pasuk "Lo Yuchal Shalchah Kol Yamav" which comes to teach us that someone who rapes a girl and marries her (in accordance with the Halachah), but subsequently divorced her, he must take her back.
(c)Rava extrapolated the answer to Rav Papa's She'eilah from there because the Pasuk implies that only there he is obligated to take her back, but not anybody else who divorces his wife contrary to the Halachah.
(a)Rav Mesharshiya asked Rava about a man who has in mind to divorce his wife, whilst she continues to serve him faithfully. What was he asking him?
(b)What did Rava reply?
(c)What three levels of fussiness does Rebbi Meir cite regarding people into whose food a fly falls?
(d)He compares them to three levels of people with regard to the way they react towards their wives. What is the equivalent to ...
1. ... the first level (the man who pours out the entire bowl)?
2. ... the second level (the way most people react)?
3. ... the third level (of the man who sucks out the fly and eats it)?
(a)Rav Mesharshiya asked Rava whether there is anything wrong with a having in mind to divorce his wife, whilst she continues to serve him faithfully.
(b)Rava replied with a Pasuk in Mishlei "Do not plan to do evil to your friend, whilst your friend places his trust in you".
(c)Rebbi Meir cites three levels of fussiness regarding people into whose food a fly falls a. One who pours out the entire bowl of soup; b. One who throws out the soup (the reaction of most people); c. One who sucks the soup from the fly before eating it.
(d)He compares them to three levels of people with regard to the way they react towards their wives. He compares ...
1. ... the first level (the man who pours out the entire bowl) to a man who locks his wife in the house whenever he leaves it (to ensure that she does not speak with any man at all).
2. ... the second level (the way most people react) to a man who allows her to speak to speak with her brothers and with other relatives, but not with other people.
3. ... the third level (of the man who sucks out the fly and eats it) to one who sees her behaving immodestly, but does nothing about it.
(a)Which famous man fitted into the first of these categories?
(b)Is this a Midah that one ought to emulate?
(a)Papus ben Yehudah (husband of Miriam the women's hairdresser otherwise known as Mary Magdelene) used to lock his wife in the house whenever he left it.
(b)This is not a Midah that one ought to emulate because it causes one's wife to rebel.
(a)In the last of the above levels, Rebbi Meir lists three things that the man sees his wife doing: She goes into the street with her head uncovered, and she spins in the street uncovering her arms in the process. What is the third thing?
(b)Why do we need to amend the original text 've'Rochtzos Im Bnei Adam'?
(c)What does Rebbi Meir say about a woman who does these things?
(d)Why does the Torah describe a man who marries a woman whom her husband divorced because of such reasons "Ish Acher"?
(a)In the last of the above levels, Rebbi Meir lists three things that the man sees his wife doing: She goes into the street with her head uncovered, she exposes her arms whilst spinning in the street and she bathes in the same location where the men bathe, in a manner that enables them to see her going into the water.
(b)We need to amend the original text 've'Rochtzos im Bnei Adam' because that would be such a serious breach of morality that it would brand her as a prostitute, forbidding her on her husband immediately (see Tosfos DH 'Im Bnei Adam').
(c)Rebbi Meir says that it is a Mitzvah to divorce a woman who does these things.
(d)The Torah describes a man who marries a woman whom her husband divorced because of such reasons "Ish Acher" because he is different than his predecessor, inasmuch as the former, divorced this wicked woman, and he went and married her.
(a)What does Rebbi Meir comment on the sequence of the Pasuk "u'Senei'ah ha'Ish ha'Acharon ... O Ki Yamus ha'Ish ha'Acharon'?
(b)How does Rebbi Yehudah explain the Pasuk in Malachi "Ki Sanei Shelach"! Like which of the above Tana'im does Rebbi Yehudah hold?
(c)How does Rebbi Yochanan interpret this Pasuk"? Note: Rebbi Yehudah was a Tana, and Rebbi Yochanan, an Amora, and the disputants do not match.
(d)According to other texts, he explains the Pasuk like Beis Hillel. How does he then interpret the Pasuk?
(a)Based on the sequence of the Pasuk "u'Senei'ah ha'Ish ha'Acharon ... O Ki Yamus ha'Ish ha'Acharon', Rebbi Meir comments that, if he is lucky, he too, will divorce her; if not, she will bring about his death.
(b)Rebbi Yehudah explains the Pasuk "Ki Sanei Shelach" to mean that when a man hates his wife, he should go ahead and divorce her (like Rebbi Akiva).
(c)Rebbi Yochanan interprets this Pasuk" to mean that if she is hated by Hash-m (because she committed adultery) then he should divorce her (like Beis Shamai). Note: Rebbi Yehudah was a Tana, and Rebbi Yochanan, an Amora, and the disputants do not match.
(d)According to other texts, he explains the Pasuk like Beis Hillel. What the Pasuk then means is if he sends her away, he is hated by Hash-m.
(a)We conclude that in fact, Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Yochanan do not argue, because Rebbi Yehudah is speaking about divorcing one's second wife (whom, all the Tana'im agree, one is permitted to divorce even without a solid reason to do so). Whereas Rebbi Yochanan is speaking about divorcing his first wife (over whom they argue). What does Rebbi Elazar say about someone who divorces his first wife (without a solid reason)?
(b)How does the Navi Malachi describe a man who does this?
(a)We conclude that in fact, Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Yochanan do not argue, because Rebbi Yehudah is speaking about divorcing one's second wife (whom all the Tana'im agree one is permitted to divorce even without a solid reason). Whereas Rebbi Yochanan is speaking about divorcing his first wife (over whom they argue). Rebbi Elazar says that someone who divorces his first wife (without a sound reason) causes the Mizbe'ach to weep.
(b)The Navi Malachi describes someone who does so as having betrayed the wife of his youth, his companion and the one with whom he entered into a covenant.