[9a - 34 lines; 9b - 36 lines]
1)[line 4]שקילסSHE'KILES- that he praised
2)[line 7]"שפתים ישק משיב דברים נכוחים""SEFASAYIM YISHAK, MESHIV DEVARIM NECHOCHIM."- (a) "The lips shall be kissed, of the one who answers with proper words" (RASHI); (b) "When one states proper words, those present will press their lips together (i.e. close their mouths), not having anything to add or any criticism" (TOSFOS) (Mishlei 24:26)
3)[line 9]שכיב מרעSHECHIV MERA
A Shechiv Mera is a person lying on his deathbed. Normally, in order to transfer one's possessions to someone else, a proper Kinyan must be executed (such as Hagbahah, or Chazakah), which will later be written in a Shtar. The Chachamim instituted that a Shechiv Mera may effect a Kinyan and transfer his property by simply requesting verbally that the transfer take place. If he recovers, the Kinyan is not valid, because it is clear that he executed the Kinyan only because he thought that he was going to die.
4)[line 14]דלאו כרות גיטא הואLAV KEROS GITA HU- it is not a proper severance that a Get is supposed to effect
5)[line 22]לשחרורי עבדיםL'SHICHRUREI AVADIM (GET SHICHRUR)
A Jew who owns a Nochri slave or maidservant (an Eved Kena'ani or a Shifchah Kena'anis) may release him or her from bondage in one of two ways: by accepting payment for his release, or by giving him a "Get Shichrur," or bill of release (Kidushin 22b). If he is not released in one of these two ways, he is still considered a slave for all Halachic matters (such as with regard to whom he is allowed to marry and what Mitzvos he is obligated to keep).
6)[line 25]מחרשCHERESH- a deaf mute
7)[line 27]שוטהSHOTEH - (lit. a fool) a person who is mad or deranged
(a)A person is classified as a Shoteh if he regularly, because of madness, destroys or loses that which is given to him, sleeps in a cemetery, goes out alone at night or tears his clothes (Chagigah 3b). According to the RAMBAM (Hilchos Edus 9:9), a person is a Shoteh if he regularly exhibits any form of irrational behavior.
(b)A Shoteh is exempt from performing Mitzvos and is not punished for his transgressions. His purchases and sales are meaningless and are not binding.
8)[line 27]פיקחPIKE'ACH- a person with full faculties; the opposite of a Cheresh
9)[line 33]עד כותיED KUSI- a witness who is a Nochri
10)[line 1]בערכאותB'ARKA'OS- in the secular courts (of Nochrim)
11)[line 9]נייר חלקNEYAR CHALAK- blank paper
12)[line 10]דיוDEYO- ink
13)[line 25]לא גמר להקנותו אלא בשטרLO GAMAR L'HAKNOSO ELA BI'SHTAR- he did not have intention to transfer it [to the recipient] except through the means of a Shtar (bill of transfer of property)
14)[line 29]מחוברMECHUBAR
It is forbidden to write a Get for a woman or a bill of release for a slave on something which is attached to ground (see Mishnah, Gitin 21b). This is learned from the verse that states that after writing the Get, the husband must give it to his wife ("v'Chasav... v'Nasan" - Devarim 24:1). A Get that has to be detached from the ground before being give to the wife is invalid. A bill of release is learned from a Get by the Gezeirah Shavah of "Lah, Lah" (comparing the words "Lah" in the verses Devarim ibid. and Vayikra 19:20).
15)[line 32]עדי מסירה כרתיEDEI MESIRAH KARSEI- the witnesses who watch the Shtar being given are the main part of the Shtar, i.e. the ones who make the Shtar take effect (this is in contrast to the opinion which holds that Edei Chasimah Karsei, meaning the witnesses who sign the Shtar are the main part of the Shtar and are the ones who make the Shtar take effect)