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The Tzimtzum

According to the Kabala, the process of creation began by G-d "contracting" His endless light in a perfect circular manner into a Central Point. This primordial initial contraction is known as the "Tzimtzum" (Etz Chaim 1). Without the Tzimtzum, the creation would be obliterated by G-d's infinite light and could not exist.

The Gematria of Tzimtzum (צימצום as it is pronounced)
= 276 (this is also the gematria of הריון-pregnancy 271 + the five letters)

Tzimzum with yud is very interesting, it is like a pregnant Tzimzum (צימצום)

The Gematria of Genesis 1:1=2701
The center point of 2701=1351(Torat Hash-em or Torat Moshe)
The center point of 1351=676(262 G-d. Final center point)

Amazingly: 1351×676=913,276 (Bereisheit=913 and Tzimtzum=276)

Who would expect getting exactly these numbers from seemingly unrelated numbers such as 676 and 1351? This hints again at the relationship to Bereisheit as the ultimate pregnancy, the creation of the world (see section "Beit Binah"). Indeed 2701 hints to 271 (pregnancy). Why do we see a "Zero" inside of it, it is like "bloated" with zero inside, so it is a pretty direct hint. Especially since the 1st verse really is the crown of the 10 sayings and contains everything within it.

Now, Pi is the digit number G-d used to bring the Tzimtzum in a complete and whole way from "Hash-em Echad" (G-d is one) in order to have the creations (I am saying this very simplistically)[1].

Let us look where Tzimtzum (276) first appears in Pi.

 ^ <-- 3,796 digit
276 first appears in Pi at the 3,796 digit of Pi

Observe that 913 appears before 276 just like 1351×676=913,276
and the location is: 3,796 = 2×26×73
=Beit/House (2) of divine wisdom (26×73) which is essentially what the world is. Everything in the universe reflects bottomless, divine wisdom.

Observe also, the sequence before 913 is:
37-441-702 (wisdom=37, 441=Truth, 702=Sabbath).

All these concepts are related to the central point of creation. Indeed, the central point of creation is of extreme, extreme importance and we are to face it when we pray. There's much to talk about this.

Why did G-d give the Torah? Because it is meant for Israel (and all humanity) to choose goodness which as Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburg told me deeply, is manifested by focusing on the verse:

"Hear, O Israel: Hash-em is our G-d; Hash-em is One" (Deut.6:4).

To know G-d is one and put it on all levels of consciousness is our work, from that comes just about everything[1].

The Gematria of this verse is:
"Hear, O Israel..." (שמע ישראל י-הוה א-להינו י-הוה אחד)
= 1,118

Observe that the first two words of Genesis 1:1 = Bereisheit Barah = 1,116
If we add +2 for the 2 words = 1,118 (Abir Yaakov, Bereisheit) (adding the words is a well established gematria technique sometimes used)

The hint here is that when reciting the Shemah, one needs to go back to "Bereisheit Barah" - to realize that "nature" is one big concealment. G-d is behind everything that happens in the world. This is the secret of the Tzimtzum. G-d is present yet concealed, the great paradox of the world. That is why we cover our eyes when reciting Shemah. For this truth goes against what appears to our eyes. Indeed, the Hebrew word for this world is "Olam" עולם which is derived from the root עלם meaning "concealment".

If one does this Shemah meditation properly, really he should cease to exist at some level. For he goes back to the primordial realm of "Bereisheit Barah" where there is only G-d. The veil of concealment is removed momentarily and the truth is revealed.
Last Letters form "Truth" (Baal HaTurim)
בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱ-לֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ
ת א ם
אמת Truth

Observe that the first 3 words in Genesis 1:1 have end letters "Emet" (Truth) but these letters are out of order. For one needs to work on this truth.

Now look at the secret that was right under our nose, take the sequence: 676-1351 as a number:

6761351 = 6,761,351 – what is the Sum of Thousands? it is:
6+761+351 = 1,118 ("Hear, O Israel: Hash-em is our G-d; Hash-em is One")

And in mathematical terms it is (also) 1,118 = 13 × 86 = אלהי'ם × אחד = אלהי'ם × אהבה (Elokim×Love or Elokim×One)

1,118 = 2×13×43 which are all the prime factors of 26 (Tetragramaton) and 86 (Elokim). Thus, 1,118 is the FIRST number which is divisible by both 26 and 86. This teaches that G-d (26) is Elokim (86). There is only One supreme G-d behind everything.

Star 13

The opening word of the Torah is "Bereisheit"[2] (literal translation: "in the beginning OF") and has small gematria 13. Bereisheit was "the beginning OF". The beginning OF what? It does not say. For this was the beginning of beginning itself. It was the beginning of the possibility of beginning - i.e. the beginning of the realm of plurality, the Tzimtzum of the divine realm so that plurality can exist.

13 is the gematria of "One" and of "Love" which are both the concept of unity. Observe how 13 is the FIRST Star of David figurate which looks like a star.

The Star of David figurates reflect these stages of creation. First star (1) is the initial Point, the initial realm of G-d is One and there is no room for anything else.

The next Star of David is exactly 13 = Echad-One (אחד). Next, we have another term for calling "one" which means "one from something". It is called "Yechidah" (יחידה) and has Gematria 37. Once again, the next Star has 37 dots. Finally, the fourth Star is 73 which is "wisdom" itself, as all these terms of one are connected to wisdom.

Love = 13
As before, the root Star of David is Star 13. It is the first Star which looks like a star (1 is just a center point).

13 is the Gematria of "Love".

When reciting the Shemah, we are to focus our mind truly about the oneness of G-d, and the consciousness is supposed to allow itself to go free at it even though it means "I" am going to "die" or "disappear" and just trust G-d and join Him with love.

These are such deep things, it needs much explanation, but basically it can be said very simply: Since G-d is truly one and undivided into anything, then we go back through the Tzimzum of the worlds into the "Hash-em only exists" realm (as before)[1].

Interestingly, the first 13 digits of Pi are:
Pi = 3.1415926535897
1+415+926+535+897 = 2774 = 2701+73 = 2×19×73
2774 also has final sum of thousands:
2+774 = 776 = Nekudah Emtzait = the Tzimtzum.

Divine Kindness

The "previous letters" (Lifnei) transformation of Genesis 1:1 is:
Gematria of First Verse
(Arizal's previous letter Transformation)
אקארטש אקא אכדטמ אש דרלטמ האש דאקצ
611 102 74 301 283 306 195
Adding Gematrias of Words:
195+306+283+301+74+102+611 = 1872 = 26×72

26 is the Gematria of the Tetragramaton and 72 = Chesed (kindness). The "previous letters" (Lifnei) transformation digs at the root and we thus see that the foundation of Genesis 1:1 is purely and only divine kindness.

Creation was an act of Love. It is "something" that G-d decided to bring about in order to fulfill His love and unite out of love with the entities created (if they chose to do so out of free will). The Tetragramaton expresses this exactly.

Tetragramaton = 26 = 13×2
It is a single Name, yet it is made of two stars of love and oneness. Two, for there is Hash-em who is one and out of His love He made us to unite with Him. This is the basic idea and obviously much is to be discussed, like why 13 specifically expresses it, why these are star of davids, why these are prime numbers and why 13 is the 6th prime etc.

In order to fulfill the purpose of creation, one must activate his will to do so and want truth dearly, love truth and gain true love with Hash-em for his own life and creation[1].

Where do we find Love of Truth (אהבת אמת=849) for the first time in Pi? At location 1,675 (1+675=676)

With the numbers, we see such action when the crown number is missing one, like 1540 needs to activate the "1" to become 1+540=541.

A search for 13-541 (love of Israel) in Pi gives:
The numeric string 13541 appears at the 82,492nd decimal digit of Pi
 ^ <-- 82,492nd digit

Observe the sequence before 703-13-45 and afterwards is 676. I see multiple ways of looking at it, but one thing is for sure: There is a big story here. Let's just say simply: love (13) of man (45), love (13) of Israel (541), signed G-d who created Genesis (676).

And in the Magid Mesharim section shir hashirim: "'for love is as strong as death' (Songs 8:6) - G-d loves all human beings an intense love as death. Namely, just like death spreads its wings over all human beings, so too G-d's mercy is on each and every human being without exception.."

Indeed, the Star of David is very much a heart symbol, a symbol of love and unity. A person needs to "throw out" his logic and to speak to G-d alot. Not as if He is far but rather like your father, as if He is next to you and listening. Then you will see wonders.

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