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First Letter

The opening letter Beit means "house" in Hebrew and it represents a specific event in the beginning of what we call time.

The large Beit is called "Beit Rabbati" (great Beit) and has Gematria of 2000. Thus the difference between the regular Beit (2) and the large Beit (2000) is 1998, which is the difference between 2701 and 703.

Beit is the house of the main value of creation (703) which is the sum of thousands of 2701.

703 represents the spiritual core, the infinite light which creates and sustains the universe every second.

The Genesis 1:1 triangle has an inner core (703) and three surrounding triangles of 1998 total which are the house, the makom (place) for 703 (see previous section "6 days and Sabbath")

If we use the Gematria of Beit Rabbati (2000 instead of 2), then the Gematria of Genesis 1:1 becomes 2701 + 2000 - 2 = 2701 + 1998 = 4699 = the square of the first 165 digits of Pi (the squaring hints to the Beit=2).

The letter Beit has an inner dot which represents this intangible "point" of divine light/wisdom which sustains the creation.
(note: before the world was created there was (of course) no world, and the "infinite light" is a proverb for G-d, meaning, the infinite One. So before there was the universe there was only the infinite One (Which He is not light but for the proverb, light is being used) and the Torah is called "Orayta" meaning light with instructions, so these instructions were made by the Creator before creating the universe. This is to create fundamental metaphysical layer for the creation[1])

Beit is the beginning of the creation, the constricting (Tzimtzum) of the infinite into the finite to make "room" for the creation. Bereisheit was the beginning of time, when time as we know it began to "tick". (Sforno, Vilna Gaon) (although we cannot conceive any sort of existence without time, but this is because we are creations)[4].

As before, according to the Kabbala (Etz Chaim 1:1), the creation began as an initial "middle point" which expanded out into a perfect circle, ultimately forming the physical realm.

Pi was used to bring out this expansion (tzimtzum) in a whole and perfect way. This is represented by the dot in the Beit and the Beit itself[2].

Pi defines spacial geometry itself and as we know today from modern science, space and time are inextricably intertwined. Both are two sides of the same coin. Thus, the creation of time was also the creation of space.

Interestingly, there are many formulas for calculating Pi.
But there is only ONE UNIQUE formula to calculate pi USING A SINGLE INTEGER (Viete's formula).
This number is 2, the gematria of Beit.

Thus, it seems there is a special connection between 2 and Pi, more than any other integer. 2 is also the first, basic prime for the creation of the world (except "1", the unitary, which is in a class of it's own - the ultimate prime number).

The Gematria of the opening word "Bereisheit" is 913. Looking at the 913th digit of square root of 2, we see the number 85314 shows up:

85=The word "Peh" which means "mouth" (i.e. speech)
314=Sh-adai which means "who said to His world enough".

For Pi is an endless equation of the square root of 2. Thus, the opening letter Beit of Bereisheit was used to create a "house" for the world, i.e. to constrict the infinite into the finite so physical space as defined by Pi could take shape. This was done using the holy name Sh-adai which itself is 314 just like Pi starts 3.14 (see section "6 days and Sabbath". interestingly, 314×913=286682. this needs investigation)

According to the Vilna Gaon: "the 42 letter Name of G-d used to create the world is the dot (Nekudah) in the Beit.. which is the Sabbath" (Aderet Eliyahu Gen.1.1, hosafah m'likutav).

Interestingly, the Hebrew word for point (Nekudah) has gematria of 165. The center point of 165 is 83 and the center point of 83 which is the final center point is 42, hinting the 42 letter Name of G-d which is the ultimate root of creation.
(note that all the factors of the Tetragramaton are 1+2+13+26=42)

Creation Triangle

As before, 2701 first appears in Pi starting at the 165th index. This hints at the location of creation which is the Nekudah (middle point).

165 is the MIDPOINT of 329
Center Point
165 is the exact center point of 329


329 is an important creation number and the ORDINAL GEMATRIA of Genesis 1:1 (including end letters[3]).
Ordinal Gematria of First Verse
(with end letters)
בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱ-לֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ
76 23 52 23 73 29 53
Thus, Nekudah (point) which has gematria of 165 IS THE CENTER POINT OF GENESIS 1:1 (using ordinal gematria), hinting to the words of the Kabalists that the creation began as a center point.

165×329 = 54285 = the 329th triangle number. This number hints at the initial state of the Nekudah to create the world (for the triangle is the first and most prime figurate number).

Since 165 is the midpoint of 329, the 165th Triangle fits in the exact center of the 329th triangle (see above pic). Notice also the midpoint of every side of the 329th triangle is the 165th dot. There is much to discuss on this 329th Triangle of Genesis 1:1 ordinal Gematria. It is a triangular number of extreme importance to the structure of creation and the exact most a-priori and important number we could think of.

Incredibly, 54285=165×329 FIRST APPEARS in Pi starting at the 2701th INDEX (discovered by Oren Evron).

(see Oren's Video, Code of Creation, Part 2 for more, Hebrew only)
This is actually a story. It is a story!! It is THE story of creation!!! recorded within Pi!

Keep in mind, Pi is a constant of our universe and cannot be designed or modified by any human being. Only He who created the universe can engineer its digits.

More on 2701th Index of Pi

As before, at the quintessential 2701th index of Pi is 54285 which represents the actual creation itself.

Let us look where 2701-54285 FIRST APPEARS in Pi:

270154285 first appears at the 856,112,701th index of pi. Do you recognize this number? It is 85-611-2701!!
85is the Gematria of the word פה (Peh) which means "mouth" in Hebrew.
611is the Gematria of "Torah"
2701is the Gematria of Genesis 1:1.
It seems the hint is as the Midrash (Genesis Rabbah) opens: "G-d looked into the Torah and created the world" - through speaking the Ten sayings of creation in the Torah, G-d created the world. This is the story of creation - an ancient message, from the beginning of time, buried in over 800 million digits of Pi!!

The Letter "Peh"
Thus, the "mouth" of G-d called the universe into existence. The universe is really nothing, zero, it has no existence of its own. That is the letter "Peh" which represents "mouth" (the letter "Peh" spelled out = פה which means "mouth") and this letter, when written correctly, creates in it's empty space the letter Beit (see image on right). So that is the creation coming out of G-d's speaking (and this is Peh-Beit = 80 + 2 = 82 which is the small, meaning seed gematria of the first verse!!)[1].

note: the above results in Pi can be checked by any Pi search engine such as here.

>> Next: Beit-Binah



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