TOSFOS DH MAI SH'NA TISH'AH D'LO (This Dibur belongs to the end of the previous Daf).
úåñ' ã"ä îàé ùðà úùòä ãìà
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)
ãàí ëï, î÷ãéí ñéäøà â' éîéí...
Clarification: Because if so, the moon would appear three days early ...
ùàí îåìã úùøé áúçéìú ìéì ùáú, îåìã úùøé äáà áéåí ã' ç' ùòåú..
Clarification (cont.): Since if the Molad of Tishri was at the beginning of Friday night, the Molad of the following Tishri would be at eight hours on Thursday ...
åëé òáãéðï àçã îìà åàçã çñø, ð÷áò ø"ä áã' ...
Clarification (cont.): And if one would follow the pattern of one Malei and one Chaser, Rosh ha'Shanah would be on Wednesday ...
åëùàðå òåùéí úùòä îìéàéí, äøé ä÷áéòåú îúàçø ùìùä éîéí, åðãçä ø"ä îéåí äîåìã ùìùä éîéí...
Clarification (cont.): But now that they made nine full months, the fixture (of Rosh ha'shanah) would be delayed ny three days, and it would be postponed till three days after the Molad
ùä÷éáåò éäéä áéåí ùáú, åîéåí àøáò äéä äîåìã
Clarification (concl.): Because Rosh ha'Shanah will fall on Shabbos, whilst the Molad was on Wednesday.
TOSFOS DH HASHTA NAMI KADIM T'REI YOMI (this is a new Dibur according to the Tzon Kodshim)
úåñ' ã"ä äùúà ðîé ÷ãéí úøé éåîé (æä ã"ç ìôé äö"÷)
(Summary: Tosfos analyzes Rashi's understanding of the Gemara.)
ùîàçø ä÷éáåò ùðé éîéí ìîåìã -éåí ã' åéåí ä' ,åáéåí å' éäéä ä÷éáåò åäøé ãî÷ãéí úøé éåîé, ãîéåí ã' úäéä ðøàä ìáðä äçãùä.
Clarification: Since the day of Rosh Hashanah is delayed, two days after the Molad - Wednesday and Thursday, and Rosh Hashanah falls Friday, so the Molad occurs two days before, seeing as the new moon is seen on Wednesday.
å÷ùä ìø"é ìéùðé ãîùëçú ãìà î÷ãéí ùðé éîéí- ëâåï ãîåìã ÷éáåò ùòáø äéä áéåí ã' ãùéú ùòé îéëñé ñéäøà åìà úøàä òã ìîçø áéåí ä', ãìà î÷ãéí ø÷ çã éåîà ...
Question: The Ri asks why the Gemara does not answer that the Molad does not precede Rosh Hashanah, assuming that the fixture of the Molad is on Wednesday at eighteen hours, since the moon is covered for six hours and it will not be seen until the next day, Thursday, one day before Rosh Hashanah ...
ãáäëé îéúå÷îà ìôé äúéøåõ ãàéï äîåìã ðøàä áéåîå îùåí ãîéëñé ñéäøà ùéú ùòé, ëê ôé' á÷åðèøñ ...
Support: Since that is how the Gemara establishes it according to the (Gemara's answer) - that the Molad is not seen on the same day, because the moon is covered for six hours, as Rashi explains ...
ãôéøù, äëà ðîé ëâåï ùäéúä ùðä îòåáøú, åòéáåø ùðä çãù, åùãé ä' ë"à ú÷ô"è, åúîöà îåìã úùøé áéåí ä' ë"à ùòä, åùéú ùòé îéëñé ñéäøà...
Support (cont.): That here too, it speaks where it was a leap-year - which is a month, so if one adds five days, twenty-one hours and 589 Chalakim, the Molad of Tishri will turn out to be on Thursday at twenty-one hours, and for six hours the moon is covered ...
úîöà ùìà úøàä äìáðä òã ìéì ùùä (åòéáåø ùðä çãù), åàéï îàçø ÷éáåò ùì ùðä æå îùì àùú÷ã áùáéì äòéáåø ø÷ ä' éîéí ...
Support (cont.): It transpires that the moon will not be seen until the night of the sixth, in which case the fixture of the new year is only five days later than that of last year, on account of the leap-year ...
åìåìé á' îìéàéí äéä ä÷éáåò áéåí ä' - åáùáéì á' îìéàéí éúéøéí òì àçã îìà åàçã çñø, îúàçø ä÷éáåò éåí çîéùé åéåí ùùé åé÷áò áéåí ùáéòé ëîå àùú÷ã.
Support (cont.): And if not for the two full months the fixture would have fallen on Thursday - and it is because of the two full months instead of the regular sequence of one Malei and one Chaser, the fixture is delayed Thursday and Friday, until Shabbos, like it was last year.
åäùúà ìà ÷ãîä øàééú äìáðä ì÷éáåò àìà éåí àçã.
Support (concl.): In which case the Molad only preceded the fixture by one day.
åôé' á÷åðèøñ 'åàò"â ãæéîðéï ãàéëà úøé éåîé - ëâåï àí äéä äîåìã ãàùú÷ã áòøá ùáú áùîåðä òùø, åð÷áò áùáú - åëé ùãéú ä' ë"à ú÷ô"è, úîöà äîåìã áéåí ä' è"å ùòé, åðøàéú äìáðä áå áéåí ...
Implied Question: Rashi explains that although sometimes there are two days - i.e. where the Molad was seen last year on Friday, and fixed on Shabbos, and if one adds five days, twenty-one hours and 589 Chalakim, the Molad will fall on fifteen hours on Thursday, and the moon will be seen on the same day ...
åòúä ÷áòå áùáú ãäà ùîåðä îìéàéí òáãú - åäùúà ÷ãéí úøé éåîé?
Implied Question (cone.): And now the fixture will take place on Shabbos, seeing as they made two full months - and the Molad will have occurred two days early.
ìàå ôéøëà äéà, ãàðï áäëé îå÷îéðï, áãìà ÷ãéí àìà çã éåîà.
Answer: This is not a problem, because we establish the Mishnah specifically where it only preceded it by one day (See Avodah Berurah),
åòåã ÷ùä ìø"é - ã÷àîø äù"ñ 'äùúà ðîé î÷ãéí úøé éåîé', îùîò ãìòåìí ìà àéøò ëï ...
Question: Furthermore, asks the Ri - the Gemara said 'Now too, the Molad occurs two days early?' implying that in reality, it never happened
åäùúà àéê àðå ãåçéí áå îåìã äáà áâèø"ã åé÷áò áéåí ä', åàéëà úøé éåîé?
Question (cont.): How can we then postpone a Molad that occurs on Tuesday, at nine hours and 204 Chalakim (Gatrad) to be fixed on Thursday - in which case there are two days?.
åìéëà ìãçåéé ãäùúà ìà àéëôú ìï îéäà ...
Refuted Answer: Nor can we claim that, nowadays we no longer care about that
ãîëîä ãáøéí àéï îðäâ ùåä ìîä ùäéä áéîé äàîåøàéí - ãáéîéäí ìà äéå ãåçéï éåí øàùåï îôðé òøáä ëàùø àðå ãåçéí ...
Support: Just as we find many cases where the current Minhag does not conform to that of the Amora'im - such as not postponing (Rosh Hashanah that falls on) Sunday on account of the Aravah, as we do ...
ãäà ìéúà, ãäà øù"é ôé' åúéøõ - ãìëê ìà ãçå äùúà éåí æ' ì÷ééí îöåú ùåôø ...
Refutation: This is not a Kashya however, since Rashi explains and answers that - the reason that we do not postpone (Rosh Hashanah that falls on) Shabbos - See Avodah Berurah - in order to fulfill the Mitzvah of Shofar is ...
îùåí ãà"ë, æéîðéï ãàùëçï ãî÷ãéí úøé éåîé, ãàéøò äîåìã áäé"ç åðãçä âí ìîçø îùåí éø÷à åîúéà ...
Refutation (cont.): Because in that case, it will sometimes transpire that the Molad will have occurred two days earlier - there where the Molad occurred on Thursday, and is postponed also on the following day on account of vegetables and corpses'.
åàé ãçéðå ìéä âí áéåí æ' òã éåí à', àùúëç ãî÷ãéí úøé éåîé - àìîà äùúà ðîé ãéé÷éðï.
Refutation (cont.): And if we now also postpone from Shabbos to Sunday, it will transpire that the Molad will have preceded the fixing by two days.
åôé' ø"é - ãìëê àéï àðå úåôñéï âèø"ã ìä÷ãéí úøé éåîé, ãìáðé ááì îéëñé ñéäøà é"ç îçãúà (åùéú îòúé÷à), ëãàé' ñåó ô' ÷îà ãø"ä (ãó ë:) ...
Answer: The Ri explains that we do not follow 'Gatrad', to allow the Molad to precede the fixing by two days - because for the people who live in Bavel the moon is covered for eighteen hours after its birth, as the Gemara explains in the first Perek of Rosh Hashanah (Daf 20b) ...
åìà äåé î÷ãéí úøé éåîé, äåàéì åìà ìëì ðøàéú áàåúå éåí òã ìîçø.
Answer (cont.): Consequently, it is not 'two days early', since it cannot be seen by everybody on that day until the next one.
åà"ú, à"ë, îàé ÷ùéà ìéä 'äùúà ðîé î÷ãéí úøé éåîé?'? äìà ëùäîåìã ãàùú÷ã áúçéìú ìéì ùáú, îéëñé ñéäøà é"ç ùòé - åìéëà ä÷ãîä á' éåîé?
Question: In that case, what does the Gemara now mean when it asks 'Now too, the Molad is two days early?'? - seeing as if last year's Molad occurred at the beginning of Shabbos night, the moon will be covered for eighteen hours - in which case there is no precedence of two days?
åé"ì, ãîùîò ìéä ãåîéà ãøéùà - ãäîåìã ãàùú÷ã äéä áéåí å' é"ç àå ìîèä, ã'àéï ôåçúéï îã' çãùéí îòåáøéï åç' çñéøéí' ...
Answer: He understands that it must be similar to the Reisha - where last year's Molad was on Friday at eighteen hours or less, since 'One does not arrange less than four full months and eight short ones' ...
ãáëê úúôøù ìøá äåðà, åëï îôøù ìä ìòåìà áñîåê ...
Proof: Since that is how it must be explained according to Rav Huna and that is also how Ula will explain it shortly ...
åìà îùëçú ôéøåùå ùì òåìà ãç' çñéøéí òáãéðï ø÷ áëäàé âååðà, ùîåìã ãàùú÷ã äéä îéåí ùìôðé ä÷éáåò ...
Answer (cont.): And we can only establish Ula's explanation - that we arrange eight short months in such a way where last year's Molad took place on the day before the fixture.
äéìëê îùîò ìéä ìøá äåðà ãñéôà ðîé îééøé áäëé - ùäîåìã ãàùú÷ã ÷ãí ìéåí ä÷éáåò áå' é"ç
Answer (cont.): Rav Huna therefore understands that the Seifa too, must be speaking in the same way - that last year's Molad occurred on the day it was fixed on Friday at eighteen hours.
äéìëê äàéãðà äîåìã áéåí àøáòä á' ùòåú, ãëé ðîé îéëñé ùîåðä òùø ùòåú, úøàä áéåí øáéòé ...
Answer (concl.): Consequently, nowadays the Molad takes place on Wednesday at two hours, in which case even if the moon is covered for eighteen hours, it will be sighted on Wednesday.
åðéçà äùúà ìäà àîàé ìà ùðé ãàùú÷ã äéä äîåìã áæ' é' ùòåú? - ãîùîò ìéä ãåîéà ãñéôà ãäîåìã áéåí ùìôðé ä÷éáåò.
Conclusion: And it now makes sense as to why the Gemara does not answer that last year, the Molad occurred on Shabbos, at ten hours - because he understands that it is similar to the Seifa, where the Molad took place the day before the fixture.
åàí úàîø, ìîàé ãôøùéðï ãìà úôñéï ìî÷ãéí ñéäøà, àí ìà ÷ãí é"ç ùòä ...
Introduction to (Repeated) Question: According to what Tosfos just explained, that we do not ask any questions if the Molad occurs more than a day before the fixing, since, for the people of Bavel the moon is covered for eighteen hours (Avodah Berurah) ...
îàé ÷àîø áúçéìú äñåâéà 'äùúà ÷ãéí úøé éåîé, ëé òáãéðï ùðé îìàéí éúéøéí òì ëñãøï' ...
Introduction to (Repeated) Question (cont.): What does the Gemara then mean when it asks at the beginning of the Sugya 'Now when we arrange two full days instead of the regular sequence', it will be two days earlier?'
åîàé ÷àîø? äìà éëåì ìäéåú ãáùðé îìàéí, äéä äîåìã ìúùòä ùòåú - ãëì àåúå éåí ìà úøàä ìáðé ááì?
(Repeated) Question: What is the problem, bearing in mind that it is possible when there are two full months, that the Molad occurs at nine hours, and that nevertheless, on that entire day, it canor be seen by the people of Bavel?
åé"ì, ãôøéê 'î÷ãéí úøé éåîé' äéëà îéäà ãàùú÷ã àéøò äîåìã áéåí ùìôðé ä÷éáåò - áéåí å' áé"ç ùòåú, ãäàéãðà éàøò áéåí ä÷éáåò, ãëé ðîé úúëñä é"ç, úøàä àçø ëê.
Answer: The Gemara is asking that 'It occurs two days early?' there where last year the Molad took place the day before the fixture - on Friday at eighteen hours (See Avodah Berurah), and this year, on the day of the fixture, because then, even if the moon is covered for eighteen hours, it will be seen afterwards.
úåñ' ã"ä äëà ðîé ëâåï ùäéúä ùðä ùìôðéä îòåáøú
(Summary: Tosfos queries the text and amends it.)
áàåúä ùðä ÷ééîéðï, åäåä ìéä ìîéîø ãäùðä îòåáøú, åìëê òáãéðï áä ç' îìàéí
Implied Question: It is referring to the same year, and it ought to have said that this year is a Me'uberes, which would explain why they made eight full months.
åàôùø ëé ÷àîø 'äëà ðîé ëâåï ùäéúä ùðä ùìôðéä îòåáøú', ôéøåù ùðä æå ùòùéðå áä ç' îìéàéí ...
Answer: Perhaps when the Gemara says 'Here too it speaks where the previous year was a leap-year', it means this year, when they made eight full months.
åàí ìà äéä äòéáåø, àí àùú÷ã äéä ä÷éáåò åäîåìã áùáú, éäéä ä÷éáåò äùðä æå -àí éäéå ëñãøï ,áéåí øáéòé (ùáå äîåìã) ...
Clarification: Because if not for the leap-year, if in the previous year Rosh Hashanah and the Molad fell on Shabbos, Rosh Hashanah this year, assuming the months followed the regular pattern, would have fallen on Wednesday ...
[àáì áòéáåø], äîåìã àéøò áéåí ä' ë"à ùòåú, åìà ðøàä òã éåí ùùé ...
Clarification (cont.): Whereas due to the leap-year, the current Molad fell on Thursday at twenty-one hours, and it was not seen until Friday ...
åëùîåñéôéï á 'îìéàéí, éúàçø òåã éåí àçã òã éåí ùáéòé.
Clarification (concl.): And because they added two full months, it (Rosh Hashanah) was delayed by another day until Shabbos.
äøé ãìà î÷ãéí ø÷ çã éåîà.
Conclusion: So it (the sighting) preceded Rosh Hashanah by only one day.
úåñ' ã"ä îçã éåîà ìà àãòúà ãàéðùé
(Summary: Tosfos queries the current Minhag based on the Gemara's conclusion.)
îùîò ãòáãé äùúà ç' îìéàéï, äéëà ãìéëà î÷ãéí ø÷ îçã éåîà.
Inference: This implies that nowadays one is permitted to make two full months, there where it (the Molad) only precedes Rosh Hashanah by one day.
å÷ùä, äàéãðà ãàðå ãåçéí âèø"ã ...
Question: Then why do we postpone 'Gatrad' (when the Molad of Tishri falls on Tuesday ('Gimel') at nine hours ('Tes') and two hundred and four Chalakim 'Resh' 'Daled') ...
îùåí ãáùðä äáàä éäéä áæ' é"ç åé÷áò áéåí ùðé -åàéëà ùùä éîéí.
Question (cont.): Seeing as in the following year the Molad will fall on Shabbos at eighteen hours and Rosh Hashanah, on Monday - making six days (See Avodah Berurah)
åðòùä ùðé îìéàéí, åàëúé ìéëà àìà çã éåîà?
Question (cont.): So we make two full months, and there is only one day (between the Molad and Rosh Hashanah (Ibid.)?
åö"ì ãìà øöå ìú÷ï àåúí ùñãøå ìðå òéáåøéí å÷áéòåú ùéàøéëå áùåí ôòí äùðä éåúø îæ' îìéàéí.
Answer: We must therefore say that the Chachamim who fixed the Iburim and the Kevi'os did not want to draw out the year with more than seven full months (Ibid.).
úåñ' ã"ä îàé ùðà ùìù çñéøéí ãìà ãàí ëï îééúøà ñéäøà â' éåîé
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Gemara's statement.)
ãáëñãøï éàøò ä÷éáåò áéåí äîåìã áéåí ã' ,åáùáéì â' çñéøéí áöøé îùúà ùìù éåîé, åé÷áò áéåí à' ...
Clarification: Because if they follow the regular pattern Rosh Hashanah will fall on the day of the Molad, on Sunday, and on account of the three short months, three days are missing from the year, and it will fall on Sunday ...
úøé ðîé îééúøà á' éåîé, åéäéä ä÷éáåò áéåí ùðé?
Clarification: Two short months also, there are two extra days (See Avodah Berurah), and Rosh Hashanah will fall on Monday?
úåñ' ã"ä ëâåï ùäéúä ùðä ùìôðéä îòåáøú
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement and elaborates.)
åòéáåø ùðä ì 'éåí...
Clarification: And (the extra month of) the leap-year is thirty days
åðîöà ä÷éáåò ùäéä øàåé ìäéåú áéåí ùðé, áùáéì äç' çñéøéí- éúàçø òúä áùáéì çãù äòéáåø ùäåà îùìùéí éåí, ùðé éîéí éåúø, åéäéä áéåí øáéòé...
Clarification (cont.): Consequently, Rosh Hashanah, that ought to have fallen on Monday, on account of the two short months - it will now be delayed, because of the extra month which is thirty days, by two days, and it will fall on Wednesday ...
åäîåìã éäéä áçîéùé ë"à ùòåú.
Clarification (cont.): And the Molad will occur on Thursday aat twenty-one hours.
åäééðå äà ãôøéê 'àëúé àéëà çã éåîà'?
Conclusion: Hence the Gemara asks 'It is still only one day?'
àé ÷ùéà úøé éåîé ðîé àéëà - ãùéú ùòé îéëñé åìà úøàä òã éåí ùùé ?
Question: And if you will ask that there are two days - seeing as the moon is covered for six hours, and it will not be visible until Friday?
úùåáä ìãáø -ãîééøé ãàùú÷ã äéä äîåìã áçîù ùòåú áéåí ùìôðé ä÷éáåò, ãëé úùéí ä' ë"à ú÷ô"è, éäéä äîåìã ìôðé è' ùòé îéåí...
Answer: It is speaking where the year before the Molad occurred at five hours the day before Rosh Hashanah, so that, if one adds five days, twenty-one hours and 589 Chalakim, the Molad will occur before nine hours of the day (See also Avodah Berurah) ...
åéëåìä ìøàåú áéåí ä' ìáðé àøõ éùøàì...
Answer (cont.): And it will then be visible on Thursday to the B'nei Eretz Yisrael ...
åàéï æä î÷ãéí ø÷ çã éåîà.
Answer (concl.): In which case it will only precede the Molad by one day.
àáì åãàé àí àùú÷ã äéä äîåìã áúçìú äùáú, ùäùðä éäéä áéåí ä' ë"à ùòåú åìà úøàä áàåúå éåí...
Conclusion: Whereas to be sure, if the Molad of the previous year would have occurred at the beginning of the week, that this year it would occur on Thursday at twenty-one hours, and it would not then be visible on that day ...
àæ ìà ðòùä ç' çñéøéí - ãà"ë îééúø ñéäøà ùðé éåîé.
Conclusion (cont.): They would not then make two short months - since the moon would then appear after two days.
åà"ú, åðäé ãìøá äåðà ,ãñéôà ÷àîø ìà ðøàä ìòáø éúø òì ç', äà ç' òáãéðï, åìà îùëçéðï àìà áùðä îòåáøú åäéëà ãìà ðøàéú ëìì áéåí ä' òã éåí å' ...
Introduction to Question - (Seifa): Granted, according to Rav Huna, the Seifa holds that one is not Me'aber more than two months - but nine one is, and this can only happen in a leap-year, where the new moon was not seen at all until Friday ...
à'øéùà ãîúðé' 'àéï ôåçúéï îàøáòä çãùéí îòåáøéí' ,æ÷å÷ äåà ìôøù ëòåìà ...
Introduction to Question (Reisha): The Reisha of the Mishnah 'Ein Pochsin me'Arba'ah Chodashim Me'ubarim', can only be explained like Ula ...
îùåí ãàéï îçñøéï éúø îç', äà ùîåðä òáãéðï...
Introduction to Question (Reisha [cont.]): Because one does not declare more than eight short months ...
åäééðå äéëà ãðøàéú áéåí ä' òöîå ãàùú÷ã ÷åãí äîåìã ì÷éáåò ...
Introduction to Question (Reisha [concl.]): And that speaks where it was seen on Thursday itself of the previous year before when the Molad preceded Rosh Hashanah ...
à"ë, äåé ìöããéï?
Question: In which case, the Reisha and the Seifa are speaking in two opposite cases?
é"ì, ãúðà ãîúðé' ðçú ìàåøåéé ìï ëì îä ùéëåìéï àðå ìùðåú äçãùéí îëñãøï ...
Answer #1: The Tana of the Mishnah is coming to teach us the extent that one is able to change the months from the regular order ...
úðà áøéùà ãùîåðä çñéøéí òáãéðï, àí àùú÷ã ÷ãí äîåìã ì÷éáåò, åáñéôà úðà ãç' îìéàéí òáãéðï àí ìà ÷ãí àùú÷ã îåìã ìéåí ÷éáåòå ...
Answer #1 (cont.): So he informs us that one can make eight short months, if the year before the Molad falls before Rosh Hashanah, and in the Seifa, that one can make eight full months if the year before, the Molad did not fall before Rosh Hashanah.
åìîàé ãôøéùéú ìòéì, îéúå÷îà øéùà åñéôà áçã âååðà.
Answer #2: According to what Tosfos wrote earlier (in Dh 'Mai Sh'na'), the Reisha and Seifa can even be speaking in the same case (See Avodah Berurah).
úåñ' ã"ä ùðé çñéøéí ìéåí äðó
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Gemara's statement.)
è"æ áðéñï.
Clarification: The sixteenth of Nisan.
'àçã îìà åàçã çñø ìàåø òéáåøå - 'ôé' ìéì ùàçø òéáåøå, ãòéáåøå äééðå éåí ì"à...
Clarification (cont.): 'Echad malei ve'Echad Chaser le'Or Iburo' - the night after its Ibur; since its Ibur is the thirty-first day ...
åéåí ì"à áðéñï äåà áàåúå éåí ùàéøò áå é"æ áðéñï ùäåà éåí â' ìôñç.
Clarification (concl.): And the thirty-first of Nisan falls on the same day as the seventeenth of Nisan, which is the the third day of Pesach.
úåñ' ã"ä ñåó ñåó ìàçøéí áéåí äðó ìà îùëçú ìä ëå'
(Summary: Tosfos spells out Rav Mesharsheya's answer)
'ëâåï ùäéúä ùðä îòåáøú åòéáåøä ùìùéí- ' åëéåï ãòùéðå òéáåø ùðä îùìùéí éåí, éù ìðå ìçñø çãù àçã îäùìéîéí ùì ä÷éõ; ìëê àùëçï 'áéåí äðó .'
Clarification: 'K'gon she'Haysah Shanah Me'uberes ve'Iburah Sheloshim' - And since we made an Ibur Shanah of thirty days, we can make one of the full summer months Chaser, which is how we find Rosh Hashanah coming out on the same day as 'Yom Henef' (16 Nisan).
úåñ' ã"ä îòùä åòùä øáé è' çñøéí åðøàä çãù áæîðå
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the dialogue between Rebbi and his son Rebbi Shimon.)
îåìã úùøé áéåí ÷áéòåú äùðä...
Clarification: The Molad of Tishri fell on the day on which they fixed the year (Rosh ha'Shanah) ...
åäéä øáé úîéä 'äéàê òùéðå è' çñøéí åðøàä çãù áæîðå ' !ôé' øáé ñáåø ã÷éáåò åîåìã ãàùú÷ã äéä áéåí æ' ,åòùä è' çñøéí åäå÷áò ùðä áéåí à' ...
Clarification (cont.): And Rebbi wondered 'How we can have made nine Chaserim and the new moon nevertheless appeared in its time!' - Rebbi saw that both Rosh ha'Shanah and the Molad of the previous year occurred on Shabbos, and after making nine Chaserim, the current Rosh has'Shanah fell on Sunday ...
åòì ëï äéä úîéä ìôé îä ùñáåø ãàùú÷ã ä÷éáåò åäîåìã áéåí æ', à"ë, äùðä äéä áãéï ãìà úøàä äìáðä òã éåí ã' -â' éîéí àçø ä÷éáåò...
Question: Hence he was surprised, based on his expectation that, since last year Rosh ha'Shanah and the Molad occurred on Shabbos, this year it ought not to have been seen until Wednesday, three days after Rosh ha'Shanah ...
'àîø ìôðéå ø"ù áðå 'ùîà ùðä îòåáøú äéúä, åòéáåø ùðä ùìùéí, åàùú÷ã òùéðå ùðéäí îìàéí, ãì úìúà áäãé úìúà å÷í ìéä àãåëúéä'...
Answer: 'His son Rebbi Shimon pointed out that "Perhaps it was a leap-year, and the extra month is (always) thirty days, and last year we made them both full months; Let the three months cancel each other out and it was therefore seen in its time" ' ...
ôé' ùðä îòåáøú äéúä ùðä æå ùòùéðå äè' çñøéí...
Clarification: The past year, of which they made nine months Chaser, was a leap-year ...
åãàé àùú÷ã äéä ä÷éáåò áéåí ä', åò"é ùòùéðå ùðä æå îòåáøú, åòéáåø ùðä ùìùéí, äéä áãéï ùéúàçø áùðä æå ä÷éáåò îùì àùú÷ã å' éîéí åé÷áò áéåí ã'...
Clarification (cont.): In fact, Rosh ha'Shanah the previous year fell on Thursday, and because they made it a leap-year, and the leap-month consists of thirty days, Rosh ha'Shanah of the current year should have taken place six days later - on Wednesday ...
åò"é ùòùä øáé ùìù çñøéí äå÷áò äùðä áéåí à' ...
Clarification (cont.): Only because Rebbi made three short months, it fell on Sunday ...
åàùú÷ã òùéðå ùðéäí îìàéí å÷ãéí äîåìã ì÷éáåò ãàùú÷ã ùðé éîéí, åàéøò äîåìã ãàùú÷ã ìéåí â' ...
Clarification (cont.): And because the year before that they made two full months, the Molad occurred two days before Rosh ha'Shanah - on Tuesday ...
ãëé ùãéðï ä' ë"à ú÷ô"è äåé äîåìã äùúà áéåí øàùåï -åìëê ðøàä òúä áéåí ä÷éáåò
Clarification (concl.): And when one adds five days, twenty-one hours and five hundred and eighty-nine Chalakim the current Molad will fall on Sunday - which is on the same day as Rosh ha'Shanah.
(continued on following Daf.)