Erchin Chart #4
Chart for Erchin Daf 24a-34a
FIELDS | |||||
1a) | SEDEH ACHUZAH THAT WAS SOLD | After 2 years | Gira'on Kesef | --- | It returns to original owner. (1) |
1b) | SEDEH ACHUZAH THAT WAS MADE HEKDESH | Right away | 50 Shekalim per Beis Zera Chomer Se'orim (2) | If it is not redeemed by Yovel, or if redeemed by a third party, it becomes the property of the Kohanim who are serving in the Mikdash at the beginning of the Yovel year. (3) | It becomes the property of the Kohanim serving in the Mikdash at the beginning of Yovel. (4) |
2a) | SEDEH LEVI'IM THAT WAS SOLD (5) | Right away | Gira'on Kesef | --- | It returns to original owner. |
2b) | SEDEH LEVI'IM THAT WAS SOLD (5) | Right away | Its value (so that it not appear as though Hekdesh becomes Chulin without Pidyon (6) | --- | If redeemed from Hekdesh by a third party, it returns to its original owner. (7) |
3a) | SEDEH MIKNEH (OF YISRAEL OR OF LEVI'IM) THAT WAS SOLD | It may not be redeemed | --- | --- | It returns to original owner. |
3b) | SEDEH MIKNEH THAT WAS MADE HEKDESH | Right away | Its value (8) | --- | It returns to original owner. |
HOUSES | |||||
4a) | BATEI AREI CHOMAH THAT WAS SOLD | Right away, until 1year has passed (9) | Its value | If it is not redeemed by the end of 1 full year, it becomes the buyer's. | --- |
4b) | BATEI AREI CHOMAH THAT WAS MADE HEKDESH | Right away and forever until a third party redeems it (9) | --- | Its value | When redeemed by a third party who keeps it for a full year, it becomes his forever. |
5a) | BATEI AREI CHOMAH IN CITY OF LEVI'IM THAT WAS SOLD (5) | Right away and forever | Gira'on Kesef | --- | It returns to original owner. |
5b) | BATEI AREI CHOMAH IN CITY OF LEVI'IM THAT WAS MADE HEKDESH (5) | Right away and forever | Its value (8) | --- | If redeemed from Hekdesh by a third party, it returns to its original owner. (7) |
6a) | A HOUSE IN UNWALLED CITY (OF YISRAEL OR OF LEVI'IM) THAT WAS SOLD | Right away | Gira'on Kesef | --- | It returns to original owner. |
6b) | A HOUSE IN UNWALLED CITY (OF YISRAEL OR OF LEVI'IM) THAT WAS MADE HEKDESH | Right away | Its value (8) | --- (10) | If redeemed fromHekdesh by a third party, it returns to its original owner |
(1) If, however, it was sold within two years before Yovel, the buyer keeps it for the first two years after Yovel, and then it returns to the seller.
(2) The field is redeemed in accordance with the fixed endowment value prescribed in the Torah (Vayikra 27:15). When redeeming the field in the first year after the Yovel year, or within two years before the next Yovel year, one pays fifty silver Shekelim for every parcel of land that is normally sown with a Chomer's worth of barley seed. When redeeming the field at any other time within the Yovel cycle, the amount that one pays decreases proportionally with every year that passes (until it is less than two years before the next Yovel); one pays one Sela and one Pundyon less for each year that has passed since the last Yovel.
(3) Most Rishonim maintain that even when a third party redeemed the field, it returns to the possession of the Kohanim upon the arrival of the Yovel year. However, the Rambam (Hilchos Erchin 4:20) rules that even when a third party redeemed the field, the original owner still may redeem it from him until Yovel.
(4) According to Rebbi Yehudah (25b), the Kohanim must pay for the field, and then they take possession of it. According to Rebbi Shimon, the Kohanim take it during Yovel without paying anything. According to Rebbi Eliezer, the field does not leave the domain of Hekdesh until someone redeems it. Once it is redeemed, it becomes the property of the Kohanim upon the arrival of the following Yovel.
(5) These laws apply specifically to a field (Sedeh Achuzah) from one of the original Levite cities. They do not apply to a "Cherem" field which a Kohen acquired, or to a field which a Levi inherited from his grandfather who was a Yisrael. According to the Chachamim (33b), these laws apply to a field that belonged to a Yisrael who inherited it from his grandfather who was a Levi. Rebbi rules that the field must be from a Levite city and a Levi must own it in order for these laws to apply.
(6) It is redeemed according to its value "so that it not appear as though Hekdesh becomes Chulin without Pidyon" (23a). This appears to be an enactment of the Rabanan, implying that mid'Oraisa the field may be redeemed for less than its full value. It is difficult to understand, though, why, mid'Oraisa, it should be permitted to redeem Hekdesh for less than its true value. (See Mutzal Me'esh and other Acharonim.) Perhaps the Gemara's intention is that mid'Oraisa, the Hekdesh may be redeemed by the buyer who offers the highest bid. Since every buyer knows that the field will be given to the Kohanim at Yovel, he will not be willing to pay the full value that it was worth to the person who was Makdish it (since to him it was a Sedeh Achuzah which stays with its owner after Yovel). Nevertheless, the Rabanan instituted that it not be redeemed for less than its full value (i.e. its value to the Makdish) because of the reason offered by the Gemara here. It is not logical for such a field to be redeemed with Gira'on Kesef, since it will stay in the possession of Hekdesh even after Yovel arrives. Therefore, it is redeemed according to its actual value.
(7) If it is not redeemed, it remains in the possession of Hekdesh.
(8) In practice, its value is actually assessed according to Gira'on Kesef. Since the field returns to its owner at Yovel, its value is diminished proportionately to how many years are left until Yovel. However, according to Rebbi Eliezer (14a), it is redeemed in the same manner as a Sedeh Achuzah that was made Hekdesh, based on the formula of fifty Shekalim per Beis Zera Chomer Se'orim (see 1b:B).
(9) However, according to Rebbi (31a), it may be redeemed only beginning from two days after the sale, until 365 days have passed.
(10) However, according to Rebbi Oshiyah (33a), if another person redeems it from Hekdesh it becomes his immediately.