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Mendel Balsam asked:

How can one expect to capitalize on the good G'zerah? Isn't his good fortune defined at the time of its pronouncement? If not, then good fortune is quite variable?

Mendel Balsam, Monsey, N.Y.

The Kollel replies:

Yes, it seems from this Gemara that it is quite variable. The person is judged to "be successful in his endeavors" or the opposite; what those endeavors will be is very variable.

The judgement is actually done in such a way necessity. We know that although Hash-m knows what we will do in the future, He does not disclose this (even to angels) so as not to affect our Bechirah. If so, whether a person will sow anything at all is dependent on his Bechirah, so the pronouncement at the time of justice in the Heavenly Court cannot be "So and so will harvest such and such amount of grain," (maybe he won't plant any!). It must be "so and so's grain will succeed, if it is planted."

We often find in Agadah expressions referring to a "successful person" or "a loser". (For instance, Berachos 6b, "Rasha she'Hasha'ah Mesachekes Lo," Eruvin 53a, describing the difference between Sha'ul and David, etc.) The intention is probably to the phenomenon addressed in our Gemara.
