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Michael Conrad asks:

On your insights to Bava Basra 147, where you mentioned 'According to the RITVA in Rosh Hashanah (16b) explains that every Asmachta reveals the hidden intent of a verse. An Asmachta is a Halachah which Hash-m intended to teach as the law, but which He did not make obligatory. Rather, Hash-m gave the power to the Chachamim to decide whether or not to make it obligatory as a rabbinic law.' According to the Ritva what is the status of a halacha that was established through an asmachta? Is it just a normal d'rabannan? or does it attain a higher status since it is in essence Hash-m's commandment, only that he willed the rabbis to enact it?

Michael Conrad, Manchester, England

The Kollel replies:

Tosfos in a few places (i.e. Chagigah 18a, DH "Cholo," Avodah Zarah 22a DH "Teipuk") implies that it is more stringent than a regular Rabbinic law, and possibly even more stringent than laws derived from Divrei Kabalah (i.e. the Prophets). For an interesting Teshuvah about this topic, see Teshuvos Kol Mevaser (2:21).

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose