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David Wiseman asked:

Dear Dafyomi,

I was surpised to learn on Succah 55b that the lechem hapanim were matzah and not chametz. Many depictions of them show a thick multi-faceted loaf, giving the impression of a chametz loaf rather than matzah. Some other opinions are consistent with matzah and not chametz. There is a reference to the mishan in Menachos 52b

a) (Mishnah): All Menachos are Matzah, except for the Chametz loaves brought with Todah and Shtei ha'Lechem, which are Chametz:

Is the lechem hapanim a type of mincha offering?

Many thanks

Shavua Tov

David Wiseman

The Kollel replies:


Yes, the Lechem ha'Panim is indeed included by the Mishanh in Menachos which states that all Menachos are Matzah.

The Lechem ha'Panim was one Tefach thick (Beitzah 22b, Menachos 57a), yet it was Matzah. The Gemara (ibid. and Pesachim 37a) explains that with great effort it is possible to bake dough that thick without allowing it to ferment and rise.

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld