More Discussions for this daf
1. ha'He Savta 2. Tosfos DH Rebbi Yehudah 3. Stolen Land/Borrowed Sukah
4. Tosfos Yarok k'Karsi 5. Transliteration Of Old French In Tosfos DH Yarok 6. Incident With Old Woman
7. Gazul 8. The Elderly Lady and the Sukah 9. Sending someone out of his Sukah
10. Mitzvah that Comes from a Sin 11. Lulav of Avodah Zarah 12. Mitzvah ha'Ba'ah ba'Aveirah (Mitzvah that comes from a sin)
13. Sukah Gezulah 14. Extrapolating with the 13 Midos on One's Own 15. Tosafot R yehuda
16. ההיא סבתא

David asks:

Hi, im currently learning gemmarah sukkah but i dont understand this tosafot, could you please explain it to me sort of like how you set out the gemmarah point by points.

Thank you very much

David, London

The Kollel replies:

(a) Opinion #1: Tosfos understands Rashi as saying that one cannot derive any of the 13 Middos, including making a Hekesh comparing one topic to another, unless he has a tradition that this is supposed to be done.

(b) Question: Tosfos asks that this is clearly incorrect, as the Gemara in Yevamos (4a) clearly indicates that one can derive a teaching (Semuchin) comparing even two seemingly unconnected Pesukim since they are stated one after the other by the Torah. This should certainly be true, Tosfos asks, regarding two topics that are mentioned in the same Pasuk! Even Rebbi Yehudah, who limits Semuchin to certain cases, will agree that a Hekesh regarding two topics mentioned in the same Pasuk can be derived!

(c) Opinion #2: Rather, Tosfos states, anyone (in the Gemara) can derive using any of the 13 Middos without having a tradition that this can be done, aside from Gezeirah Shaveh which requires a tradition from one's teachers.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose