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TB asks:

The Gemoro says v'Tzarich she'Yazkir Yetzias Mitzrayim b'Kidush ha'Yom. But we only say Zechre l'Yetzias Mitzrayim in Kiddush by night, not by day (which is just pesukim and hagofen)?


The Kollel replies:

Shalom R' Bookman,

Great to hear from you.

The Gemara you cited which requires mentioning Yetzias Mitzrayim is referring to Kiddush recited at night.

We know from 106a that Kiddush at night -- as opposed to the morning -- is the main obligation of Kiddush. The reason for that is, as Rashi writes (106a DH Ein Li Ela Bayom), because night is when Shabbos comes in. Consequently, once a person was Yotzei having mentioned Yetzias Mitzrayim at the nighttime Kiddush, he doesn't have to do so again in the daytime Kiddush.

The Gemara you cited calls it "Yom", even though it is in fact referring to what is recited at night , because "Yom" refers to the entire day of Shabbos, not day in the sense of "daytime". I can share a couple of other places where the Gemara uses the term Kiddush Hayom even though it is referring to the nighttime Kiddush. One is in Pesachim 102a. The other is Rashi (DH Midi d'Hava a'Kidusha) on Kesuvos 7b.

I hope this helps!

Warmest regards,

Yishai Rasowsky