Thank you for your previous response.
A question and observation on same daf -
1 - Daf 67 - amud 2 - gemara asks why Torah says word :Ki" by Tzorua? answers because it says Ki by Tamei Meis and Zav. That answer seems ok when we ask an extra word in a mishna perhaps - but is that a reason why the Torah - whom we darshen even an extra letter - would say Ki?
2 - 67 - Amud 1 - Abaye's drush on Posek "Ish Ish ... Tamei Nefesh" - 1st part of Posuk refers to Tumah Yachid and last word "Nefesh" refers to Tumah Tzibur -
Perhaps this is proven by the Tamei Hamikra (Trop) of posuk - Nefesh separated from beginning of posuk and word "Tamei"! is this mentioned by any meforshim and if Tamei Hamikra is mesorah - ?Me Sinai? - why doesn't gemara use it as proof . In fact trop is never mentioned in gemara , I believe - why not?
Thank you.
(a) This question is raised by the Halichos Olam (an early Sefer with notes from the Beis Yosef) in Sha'ar 4. However it is not uncommon and is found also in Yevamos 54b, 74a, Sota 3a, Bava Kama 51a, 60a, 84a and 88a. We can conclude that it is in fact the Derech of the Torah, and we rely on the Chachomim to inform us when a word is "Eidi" and when it is for a Drasha. See also Bava Kama 64b etc., where the Gemara teaches that sometimes an entire Pasuk is rewritten just to teach a Halachah from one extra word that it adds.
(b) See Nedarim 37a where the Rishonim (Ran, Rosh and Tosfos) explain that Rav and Rebbi Yochanan argue as to whether Ta'amim are Min ha'Torah or mi'de'Rabanan. The Ran (ibid.) says we hold like Rebbi Yochanan that they are only de'Rabanan.
Furthermore, the Meiri in Chagigah 6b says that even if Ta'amim are Min ha'Torah we cannot rely on them because we are not Beki'im in them. In other words, we cannot be sure that the Ta'amim we have are the original ones. There is a possibility that they were forgotten. This is also the opinion of the Maharsha in Yuma 52a. (Not like the Ritva ibid.) The Ramban in Bereishis (36:12) explains that sometimes it is necessary to be Doreish a Possuk in a way that over-rides the Ta'amim.
Dov Freedman