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1. The difference between the Veshet and the Kaneh 2. Veridin 3. Shechitah
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Barry Epstein asked:

Re the Mishnah on 27a, is R'Yehudah's requirement re the veridin being severed halachah?

Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA

The Kollel replies:

It is the Halachah. However, since the requirement is not a Shechitah requirement, but rather it pertains to getting the blood out, if one did not do so it can be rectified in various ways.

Barry, I see from your questions that you often want to know what the Halachic conclusion is of the topic under discussion in the Gemara. There is a relatively easy way to ascertain the Halachic conclusion, and that is by looking in the "Ein Mishpat," printed on each page of the Gemara. I suggest that you ask one of the scholars in your local Kollel and ask one of the scholars there to show you how to use the Ein Mishpat for this purpose, and then you will be able to know, generally, if a given opinion is the Halachah or not.

All the best,

D. Zupnik