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hg schild asked:

does anyone besides the Radal discuss the machlokes between here and Pirke D'Rebbe Eliezer..mizbayach chotzon vs. pnimi for the location of the akeidah?

hg schild, ny usa

The Kollel replies:

The only thing I could find regarding the Bavli was the Eizehu Mikomon's comment that the Bavli holds that the Mizbeach ha'Pnimi could be placed anywhere in the Heichal, and therefore did not have a specific place (see the Rashba in Eiruvin 2a whose explanation of the argument between the Rabanan and Rebbi Yehuda seems to support this comment).

It is possible that the Pirkei d'Rebbi Eliezer might hold the opposite: that the Mizbeach ha'Chitzon can be placed anywhere in the Azarah (the Medrash possibly understands that the different Shitos quoted in Zevachim about the placement of the Mizbeach ha'Chitzon are all correct, at least b'Dieved). This would be a possible explanation for the argument. However, I did not find any explicit explanation of this argument.

Kol Tuv,

Yaakov Montrose