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1. Rosh Hashanah foods 2. The Philistine present to Israel 3. Horayos 012b: Manah Yafah Rishon
4. Relying on signs 5. Maneh Yafeh

Mark Bergman asked:

The Gemoro (Horayos, bottom of 12b), states that a Kohen has precedence for all Dovor Shebikdusha, "liftoach", to bench and for "mono yofo". Rabbi Simcha Bamberger noted that the precedence is for Dovor Shebikdusha only, presumably not for cases such as who should go first across a bridge etc.

I was wondering about "mono yofo" - is that only Dovor Shebikdusha? - what about serving at a meal etc?

My Gemoro has Ein Mishpat Hasholem printed at the bottom, i.e. full text of Rambam and Shulchan Oruch, from where it was interesting to note that although the Rambam brings all three examples, the Shulchan Oruch (in Hilchos Zimun) only brings the first two, ommitting "Mono Yofo"! Is this because "Mono Yofo" refers to Korbonos only, hence the ommission of the Shulchan Oruch?!

In fact, the Mishna Brura does mention that the Gemoro includes "Mono Yofo", and he then discusses which sort of Seuda it applies to - apparently he assumes it can apply nowadays!

If I am sat at a wedding etc, and a plate of food comes to the table, I try (BN) and see if there is a Kohen who should be served first - is this necessary?

I saw on the evening after I first wrote this that this very question is asked at the back of the latest edition of Kol HaTorah (referring to daf 13a). [Kol HaTorah is published twice a year by Agudas Yisroel in Europe. At the back, there is a section containing a short Dvar Torah for each daf of the Daf Yomi cycle for that 6-month period]. He says it is a Machlokes Rishonim, and brings a few Ma'arei Mekomos (that I have not yet looked up): Rashi Nedorim (72b) Nimukei Yosef end Moed Koton Cheshek Shlomo and Haghos Ben Aryeh in Nedorim Rashi Gittin 59b. I would still be interested in any of your comments

Mark Bergman Manchester UK

Kol Tuv Mark Bergman

Joel Rich writes:

IIRC doesn't the SA/MB also bring down that one should not ask a kohain to do an errand etc? This would imply that the concept of vkidashto is broader than just davar shbkidusha. I suppose one could argue that there is an issur of bizayon, a grey area in between and then vkidashto by davar shebikidusha but..


Joel Rich

The Kollel comments:

I agree with your final statement that there is a clear distinction between showing *honor* to a Kohen and not *taking advantage* of him.

M. Kornfeld