More Discussions for this daf
1. Comparing Kidushin to Gitin 2. Through a Shtar 3. Three ways
4. Tosfos DH Hacha 5. Kesef 6. Kidushin Against A Woman's Wishes
7. Darko Shel Ish la'Chazor 8. Misas ha'Ba'al 9. Kicha Ikrei Kinyan
10. Use of Derech in Masculine and Feminine Terms 11. Kesef as Kidushin 12. Kicha Ikrei Kinyan
13. Tosfos DH I Nami 14. First Tosfos here and in Kesuvos 15. Tosfos DH I Nami
16. Parallels to Yibum and the 3 Methods 17. Who Owns the Ring 18. Kidushin 002: Tosfos DH b'Perutah
19. Derech-Davar 20. Conjunction of multiple acquisitions 21. Kidushin against a woman's will
22. Comparing the term "ha'Ishah Niknis" to "ha'Ish Mekadesh" 23. Get for Yibum 24. Eirusin
25. ha'Isha Niknes 26. Erusin vs. Nisu'in 27. Hiskadshi Li in Rashi

Benzi asks:

The gemara says v'Kichah Ikrei Kinyan my question is that when the gemara says this, does the gemara mean that we find that the Loshon of kicha is a kinyan.

Or does the gemara mean that kicha which is refering to money means kinyan and then the gemara goes on to prove that when we use a Loshon of money it refers to it as a kinyan?

My 2nd question is that why does the gemara need to bring 2 proofs that kesef is a kinyan.

Many thanks


Benzi, London

The Kollel replies:

1) Rashi writes explicltly (bottom line of Rashi 2a) that Kichah is a loshon of kinyan.

2) Tosfos 2b DH Ee Nami writes that the first verse could be explained to mean "the field which Avraham acquired through Chazoka or a Shtar". The Maharsha writes that the reason that the second verse is required is because in the first verse is does not state kesef next to kinyan in the same way that it does in the second verse.

Benzi, wishing you and all your family a Healthy Summer!

Dovid Bloom