Hello kollel!
I have a general question in kiddushin. I though that al pi halacha, the husband owns all of his wife's property, whether nichsei melug or tzon barzel. My question is, if he gives her a ring worth a perutah, but then as she becomes his wife he immediately owns it again, has he really given her anything?
Thank you!
The Tzofnas Paneach (Rogachover), in Hilchos Ishus 3:1, explains that because of your question the custom is to be Mekadesh with a ring, which, like her clothing, is totally hers without any control of the husband.
It used to be that Kidushin/Erusin took place separately, and the Nisu'in was at a later date, so there is no question, since during the Erusin period the husband does not have rights to her Nichsei Melug or Nichsei Tzon Barzel. But nowadays that Erusin and Nisu'in are done together, using a ring helps.
Regarding her clothing, see Kesuvos 54a, Rema EH 90:14, and Beis Shmuel EH 85:6.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner