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1. Breaking a barrel 2. Milah of a Safek Nefel 3. Zohama
4. Use Of A Leaf As A Barrel Tap

Chaim Weizmann asks:

the Gemara states rav ashi's opinion about the prohibition of putting a myrtle leaf as a tap for the barrel lest one would go ahead and cut it from the branch itself, the Gemara says that the consequence of the argument if when the person has the leaves detached from the branch already...

the obvious question is that the cutting from the branch is the prohibition itself! and the decree of "lest the person would cut the leaves from the branch" should be applies even though the leaves have been already detached!


Chaim Weizmann, Israel

The Kollel replies:

Dear Chaim,

The Tur has the Girsa- d'Katim u'Manchi- (plural)- there is no Gezaira when there are several detached leaves available in front of him for use, because we are not afraid that he may come to detach another leaf (if there is only one leaf detached, we would be worried that the leaf might go bad and he may come to detach another leaf).

However the Gra brings the Girsa of the Rif and Rosh-d'Katim u'Manach- (singular). Even one leaf in front of him would be permitted. The Tosfos Rid explains that if he asks in general if he can use a leaf we answer no since he might detach a leaf instead of using a detached one. But if he tells us that he has a detached leaf and asks if he may use it, we permit him to do so.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner