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1. Saying Kel Melech Neeman 2. Answering Amen b'Chol Kocho 3. va'Yechulu in Ma'ariv
4. אשור הייא

Martin Schejtman asks:

In Y.D. 268:1, the Chofetz Hayim in mishna berurah indicates that when saying "vaichulu" at maariv after the amidah, we should pause between the words "E-lokim" and "ess/et". He cites Eliah Rabbah, whom I suppose refers to Rav Eliahu Schapira. What is the background or reason for this indication and how do I look this up in Eliah Rabbah (who didn't write on masseches Brachos nor Shabbos)?

Tizku lamitzvot!

The Kollel replies:

Dear Martin,

The Eliyahu Rabah, written by Rav Eliyahu Shapira, is based on the Simanim of the Shulchan Aruch. In OC 268:1 he says only what the Mishnah Berurah cites in his name, without further explanation. The reason for this ruling is, as in many other places, that if one is not careful and slurs "Elokim" with the next word, it will sound like Mes ("dead") (Chas v'Shalom), so it is proper to pause slightly to prevent problems.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner