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4. ואם יש לו בית קיבול כתיתין טמא

fred nebel asked:

How do we know that Shmuel and Rab Huna are answering the question as to whether or not R Meir said taht it is Assur? The simple explanation of the text seems to suggest that they are answering the question of what is the halacha. Is this understanding based upon the reproof of Reb Shila or is it the only way to explain Shmuel's response?


fred nebel, bangor, me

The Kollel replies:

Dear Fred,

The Gemara quotes for us Shmuel and Rav Huna in abbreviated form "A Kitai'a cannot...". However, Rav Yosef (Rav Huna's disciple) knew definitely that this is their text of the Mishnah and not what is the Halachah. (He obviously heard Rav Huna's full sentence or knew in what context it was said.)

All the best,

Reuven Weiner