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Alberto Djmal asked:

(Rashi DH Bishlama le Rabbi Yehuda)...aval bemotzaei shabat lo avdinan kevatei, lemeimra debein hashemashot didei leilia hu

Dear Rabbi,

What is the pshat of this Rashi?It would seem that it is

implying that for R.Yehuda,Bein Hashemashot is Vaday Lailah?

Or,maybe Rashi is stating that we dont end Shabbat when Bein

Hashemashot of Rabbi Yehuda is over,but rather wait for the

Bein Hashemashot of Rabbi Yossi?

Thank you very much,

Alberto Djmal


The Kollel replies:

It seems that you may need to read Rashi differently. Take away the comma or pause that you inserted between the words "Kevatei" and "Lemeimra." Rashi is saying that we do not hold like Rebbi Yehudah in order to say that when Rebbi Yehudah's Bein ha'Shemashos passes, we may do Melachah because the time is now Vadai Lailah.

Be well, Mordecai