More Discussions for this daf
1. Rebbi Yishma'el's Accident 2. Melachah Sh'einah Tzericha l'Gufa, by a Zav's pouch 3. Asking for Forgiveness on Shabbos
4. Did Yosef Have to be Taught Lashon Arami by the Angel? 5. Gezeirah l'Gezeirah 6. Killing a Bug on Shabbos
7. Visiting the Sick 8. Going out with an object on Erev Shabbos 9. Covering one's head with the Talis
10. The angels and prayer 11. Girsa in Ba'meh Madlikin 12. Killing a louse on Shabbos
13. Praying for a sick person on Shabbos 14. Tefilin 15. Aramaic

Shmuel asks:

Is the Halacha to sit on the floor when visiting the sick? Haven' seen it done.

Shmuel, Monsey, NY

The Kollel replies:

Dear Shmuel,

The Halacha is still true now. The Halacha is not to sit higher than the bed of the sick- so if the sick is lying on the floor then the visitor sits on the floor. Yoreh Deah 335:3 in the Rama, also brought by the Chafetz Chaim in Ahavas Chesed section3 chapter 3.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner