Paul Davidowitz asks:

R' Meir not making inferences --
Is that in general, or only in regards to validity of nedarim?

Paul Davidowitz, Long Beach, NY 11561 USA

The Kollel replies:

1) We may learn from the Gemara above (11a) that it is not only with regard to Nedarim. The Gemara states there that Rebbi Meir does not make inferences. The proof that the Gemara cites for this is the Mishnah in Kidushin 61a, where Rebbi Meir says that any condition which is unlike the condition given to the tribes of Gad and Reuven is not a valid condition. Now, this condition was in a monetary matter, and was not connected to Nedarim, since those tribes were told that if they would not fight with their brethren to help them conquer Eretz Yisrael, they would not receive their portion in the Land. This was a monetary matter, concerning acquiring land.

2) In fact, the Gemara in Shevuos (end of 36a and top of 36b) is in doubt about whether it is only in monetary matters, or even in questions of what is permitted and forbidden, that Rebbi Meir does not make inferences. Tosfos (Shevuos 36b, DH H"G) asks in the name of Rabeinu Tam from our Gemara, where we learn that Rebbi Meir does not make inferences in connection with Nedarim. How, then, does the Gemara in Shevuos entertain a doubt about whether Rebbi Meir makes inferences for Isurim, since Nedarim are Isurim and Rebbi Meir does not make inferences for Nedarim?

3) Tosfos answers in the name of Rabeinu Yom Tov that it is only for severe Isurim that the Gemara in Shevuos is in doubt about whether Rebbi Meir makes inferences. This explains why one sees in the Gemara in Nedarim (16a) that Rebbi Meir does make inferences, because the discussion there concerns Shevuos, which are considered severe Isurim since the name of Hash-m is taken in vain. In contrast, Nedarim, which do not involve the name of Hash-m, are considered as "standard," not severe, Isurim and are therefore equivalent to monetary matters, where Rebbi Meir does not make inferences.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom