More Discussions for this daf
1. Bidding farewell to one's Rebbi 2. Chanukas ha'Bayis of First Beis ha'Mikdash 3. "Men of stature," who take leave of R' Shimon bar Yochai.
4. Optional Activities 5. Delaying a celebration 6. The sin of David ha'Melech
7. The seven days of Shlomo Ha'Melech's celebration 8. Happy about conceiving boys 9. Simcha l'Achar Zman
10. How did Shlomo ha'Melech know that? 11. Whats Pshat with Rav Bivi? 12. Did Shlomo Hamelech hold of "Ein Me'arvin Simchah B'Simchah"?
13. חנוכת המקדש 14. אמה כליא עורב 15. ומנלן דאחיל להו

Ephraim Kleinberg asked:

The gemara recounts a story of Rav Bivi smearing his daughter with a hair-removal substance 'ever' by 'ever'- what is going on in this story? are there any halachik implications?

Thank you very much

~Ephraim Kleinberg, Toronto

The Kollel replies:

I don't think that it means that he did it personally, but rather that he saw to it that she had it done (he probably had better things to do with his time).

Kol Tuv,

Yaakov Montrose