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"The Beis ha'Mikdash had to be sanctified in order for the sacrifices to be offered there."

1)What was the process of sanctification?

2)What is the source for this process?


The Kollel replies:

1) Although Shlomo ha'Melech built the actual structure of the Beis ha'Mikdash, the Gemara in Zevachim 24a says that, earlier, David ha'Melech was Mekadesh (sanctified) the ground of the Beis ha'Mikdash. Rashi and Tosfos add that David ha'Melach was accompanied by a Navi, the Urim v'Tumim worn by the Kohen Gadol, and the Sanhedrin. In future generations, expansion of the area of the Mikdash must be under the auspices of these authorities.

The sanctification consisted of the Sanhedrin walking around the perimeter of the place of the Mikdash while Sheyarei Minchah (the remainder of a Korban Minchah after Kemitzah) were carried before them, and specified chapters of Tehilim were sung accompanied by musicians playing various instruments.

2) Rashi and Tosfos cited above are based on the Mishnah in Shevuos 14a that explains the process of expanding the Azarah and the city of Yerushalayim. The Gemara in Shevuos 15a derives this process from a verse (Shemos 25:8) describing the building of the Mishkan which concludes "v'Chen Ta'asu," and the Gemara adds "l'Doroseichem" ("And so shall you do" -- for all generations).

In Shevuos 15a, the Gemara cites the account of the building of the second Beis ha'Mikdash found in Nechemiah 12:31-32 as the source of the procession carrying a Minchah and the accompanying song.

However, the Gemara does not spell out the source for the required authorization by the Melech, Navi, Urim v'Tumim, and the Sanhedrin. Rashi reasons that both Moshe, who was Melech, Navi, and personified the Sanhedrin, and Aharon ha'Kohen, who wore the Urim v'Tumim, lived at the time of the building of the Mishkan. Authorization by those who hold these positions in later generations is likewise required for Kidush ha'Mikdash.

Avraham Phillips