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1. Tosfos DH v'Yavi 2. Rava is refuted 3. קרבן פסח שהפך דינו להיות נקרב שלמים

Tuvya Marcus asks:

Is it Rava or Rabba? (Bach says Rabba).

And what then is the din? Yireh v'yiplu damav l'shlamim?

Tuvya Marcus, Jerusalem Israel

The Kollel replies:


(a) We have just enjoyed Purim, so we still remember the Gemara Megilah 7b where Rabah and Rabbi Zeira made a Seudas Purim together (and we all know what happened at that Seuda!). There are other interesting

things that happened with Rabah and Rav Zeira. In Sanhedrin 65b Rabah created a man and sent him to Rav Zeira. Our girsa there is in fact Rava, but the Yaavetz changes it to Rabah, and this is possibly because of the Gemara in Megilah, and also because of our Gemara in Pesachim, where on 96b the Gemara starts off by stating it is a Machlokes between Rabah and Rav Zeira. That is also why the Bach changes it to Rabah. We see that the Bach and the Yaavetz both learn that it is Rabah; not Rava; who is together with Rav Zeira.

(b) In todays daf; Pesachim 108a; we learn that Abaye said that he was at the Seder night of Mar. Rashi writes that this is Rabah, the teacher of Abaye. All over Shas, there are disputes between Abaye and Rava. We learn that Rava lived slightly after Rabah.


(a) The Rambam Hilchos Korban Pesach 4:6 only mentions whether or not the Pesach was found before shechitah, and does not mention anything about Chatzos. Kesef Mishneh writes that it seems that the Halacha follows Rabah.

(b) I suggest that even though the Gemara says there is a tiyuvta on Rabah, this is not necessary final. We find elsewhere in the Gemara (see for instance Bava Kama 15b) "Tiyuvta veHilchita". Even though the Gemara states Tiyuvta it is still possible that the Halacha is otherwise. This matter requires further study.


Dovid Bloom