You write in the summary:
(a) (Mishnah #1): A man was married to two women and sold his field. His first wife wrote to the buyer 'I have no claim against you.' The second wife may collect the field from the buyer, the first wife collects from the second, and the buyer from the first wife. This cycle continues ad infinitum, until they reach a compromise;
I don't get it. Why is the the buyer back? He should be done! It's his bad luck that there was a lien on the property. We learned that earlier in the masechta no?
What's this circular never ending deal?
We are talking about a case where the field in question was sold with Achrayus (i.e. on condition that, should any of the seller's creditors claim it, the purchaser will be reimbursed), as is usually the case with land-sales.
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler