In the Mishna on Ketuvot 95b:the first opinion quoted is that of Rebbi then that of RaShBaG!, Rebbi's father! This is NOT the usual order in the Mishna, which usually sticks to chronological order! Why?
1. Besides, if Rebbi "wrote", or edited the Mishna - who would have put
Rebbi's opinion before that of RaShBaG?
2. Could the reason that the opinion of RaShBaG was quoted last be to
emhasize that the Halacha is according to the opinion of RaShBaG?
Tosfos in Bava Metzia (4b) says that we find in a number of places that the Mishnah quotes the view of the son (Rebbi) before the view of the father (Raban Shimon ben Gamliel), and the Talmid before the Rav.
We also find that Rebbi recorded Raban Shimon ben Gamliel's view before his own, such as in Gitin 22a and 33a, Bava Basra 169b, Nidah 64a and 66a, and others.
M. Kornfeld