More Discussions for this daf
1. Relinquishing One's Share at the Expense of Another 2. Insolvent estates 3. Strange Ukimtos?
4. Prof. Aumann's Lecture 5. Rashi's Opinion of the Division of the Estate 6. Division of Estate

Q. Reese asked:

On this Daf, the Gemara has some of the strangest Ukimtos for a Mishnah that I have ever seen. Every case in the Mishnah is discussing a different, seemingly arbitrary, case. How can the Gemara suggest such strange Ukimtos? Have you heard any viable approaches to this Gemara?


Q. Reese

The Kollel replies:

As a matter of fact, Nobel prize winner Pfr. Yisrael Aumann does have a unique approach to this Gemara, using Game Theory. You can hear him live tomorrow on our site (Monday night, 8:30 Israel time), or find the Shiur in our archives after that date

I myself have suggested an alternate approach (that fits somewhat more naturally into the words of the Gemara Bavli and Yerushalmi here). It is written at length in Hebrew, and can be found in the attached file or at the following link: .

A very brief summary in English can be found attached or at .


Mordecai Kornfeld

Kollel Iyun Hadaf