More Discussions for this daf
1. Kares and eating the Korban Pesach 2. The Men Sitting and eating at the table 3. Melaket Atzamos
4. Pesach Rishon - Pesach Sheini 5. Lo He'emidu Divreihem b'Makom Kares

Dr. Harry Stark asked:

Is kares the punishment for not offering the korban AND not eating it or is kares the punishment for not offering the korban, with eating as a separate issue?

Dr. Harry Stark, Los Angeles, USA

The Kollel replies:

Eating the Korban is a separate issue. The offering and eating are counted as separate Mitzvos Aseh (#55, #56, in the Rambam's Sefer ha'Mitzvos). If one offered the Korban Pesach, even if he did not eat from it he does not have to bring a Pesach Sheni (Pesachim 91a).

Be well,