Dear Rabbi,
Do we have to consider the ten amots height of the Leviim (or at least of Moshe Rabbeinu) literally, or is it symbolic of their (or his) character or spiritual status?
Thank you,
Alberto Djmal
According to the simple meaning of the Sugyos that deal with the height of the Levi'im and Moshe Rabeinu (here, in Nedarim 38a, and in Berachos 54a), the Gemara is discussing their literal height as being ten Amos.
There are commentators, however, who explain that when the Gemara discusses the height of a person, it is alluding to his character or spiritual status, as you asked. See, for example, the RASHBA to Berachos 54a (see Insights there, where we cited the Rashba).
Similarly, the RAMBAM (Shemoneh Perakim) writes that when the Gemara in Nedarim says that Moshe Rabeinu was a "Gibor," it means that he was "Kovesh Es Yitzro," that is, he had reached a high level of spiritual development. This is how the Rambam explains "Gibor," even though the Gemara there actually derives the fact that he was a Gibor from the verse in our Sugya that proves he was tall ! (I touched upon this in Parasha-Page, Ki Tisa 5758)