More Discussions for this daf
1. Olam ha'Ba and Olam ha'Neshamos 2. Insights regarding "Ein Techiyas ha'Meisim 3. Introduction to Chelek
4. Kohanim in the future Mikdash 5. Relationships of Minim to the Rabbis 6. First Maharsha on the 11th Perek
7. Olam ha'Ba 8. No Chelek in Olam ha'Ba 9. Tosfos for Chelek
1. Nati raymond asks:

how can the mishna say all of yisrael has a chelek in olam haba when some people don't?

Nati raymond, United Kingdom

2. The Kollel replies:

Dear Nati,

The same Mishna continues one line later "and these do not have"

So- All of Israel means all (including those who received the death penalty in Beis Din)- except for the exceptions!

The Meiri writes that even the evil that received their punishment are still called Yisrael- but the list which have no share are not called Yisrael at all.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner