Rashi here connects Pappos ben Yehuda with a person who seems to be the father of a certain historical personality. This is mentioned in the chesronos hashas to Gem. Shabbos 104b if its the same Pappos ben Yehuda that is in jail with R' Akiva in Gem. Brachos 61b that puts the historical personality around the time of R' Akiva. Yet a popular understanding of Gem. Sotah 47a is that the student of R Yehoshua ben Perachia is that historical personality. This puts him at a much earlier time period. Is it clear from Rashis in shas how Rashi holds regarding the time period that Talmud is putting this historical personality? When does Rashi say he lived?
Menachem Weiman, St. Louis USA
Shalom R' Weiman!
Wonderful to hear from you.
Let's see if I am following you correctly. Are you saying that Rashi makes a claim that Papus Ben Yehudah was related to Yeshu ha'Notzri? I failed to see that in Rashi. Please, to which Rashi are you referring?
As you indicated, the Chesronos ha'Shas (link #1 below) elaborates on the Tosfos in Shabbos (104b DH Ben Stada) telling us that Stada's son was not Yeshu ha'Notzri, because -- as you eloquently wrote -- Papus lived in the time of Rebbe Akiva (Berachos 61b) whereas Yeshu lived much earlier in the time of Rebbe Yehoshua Ben Perachyah (Sotah 47a).
You are mainly asking when did Rashi believe that Yeshu lived. I did see a few places where some versions of Rashi talks about someone called Yeshu. But it is not always easy determine if this is the one of whom you and I are thinking. So, I wish we had a more definitive answer at the moment to your actual question, but unfortunately not all of the following sources tell us when he necessarily is supposed to have lived. But I hope they nevertheless help us to add some clearity to the picture.
1. Some versions of Rashi in Sanhedrin 17a (DH u'Baalei Keshafim) mention Yeshu as being involved with Hasatah (incitement to sin) and Kishuf.
2. In Chagigah 5b, a heretic engages in debate with Rebbe Yehoshua Ben Chananyah. Some versions of Rashi describe that man as being a disciple of Yeshu who did not agree with the words of the Chachamim. See Chesronos ha'Shas (ad loc. after DH Yado Netuyah).
3. Bava Basra 25a records that Rav Sheishes taught that the Schechinah is everywhere, and he was willing to face any direction; except east, that is, since heretics teach people to face east. THe common version of Rashi says this refers to idolaters. But some versions of Rashi say that it refers to the disciples of Yeshu. See Chesronos ha'Shas (ad loc. Rashi DH d'Mori).
4. Some versions of Sanhedrin 43b report that Yeshu was involved in Kishuf and Hasatah, and was eventually hanged on Erev Pesach. Some versions of Rashi imply that Rashi indeed had this story in his Girsa. See Chesronos ha'Shas (ad loc. Rashi after DH mei'Ikara Lo).
5. Sanhedrin 105a elaborates on Bilam not being granted a portion in the world to come. Some versions of Rashi group Yeshu together with Bilam in this regard. See Chesronos ha'Shas (ad loc. DH Masnisin Mani).
6. Avodah Zarah 27b discusses Yaakov Ish Kefar Sachanya. Some versions of Rashi portray this Yaakov as being a disciple of Yeshu. See Chesronos ha'Shas (ad loc. DH Lo Chaishinan).
Warmest regards,
Yishai Rasowsky
1. https://www.hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=22221&st=&pgnum=10