More Discussions for this daf
1. Daughter from a previous marriage 2. Does 1=2 in our Gemara? 3. Daughter from a Shifchah Kena'anis
4. Rav Yehudah 5. מעיני מעיני

littmana asked:

Dear Kollel,

Thank you for your thoughtful insights.

On this subject of forbidden relationships-I have a question:

If an Eved Ivri fathers a daughter with a shifcho k'naanis--is he mutar to his daughter?

This puzzles me as the shifcho k'naanis is a shtikel-yid so if she would be freed I don't think she would have a din of Tinok Shenolad (correct me if I am wrong!). On the other hand, she is not related to the father in that she stays a slave when the father leaves during Yovel...and has no yerusha rights....

Thank you again.

The Kollel replies:

I don't think that there is any prohibition against such a relationship, as Halachically a Shifchah is equated with a Nochris in the subject of forbidden relationships. In fact, one of the Rabbinic prohibitions against a Nochris (NaShGaZ) is "Shifchah." Additionally, an Eved who is freed is k'Tinok she'Nolad (see Rambam Isurei Bi'ah 14:11,19). The Eved Ivri is not considered her father (see also Shulchan Aruch YD 373:4 and Rambam ibid.). I therefore believe they would be permitted.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose