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Sholem asks:

The Gemoro defends R' Eliezer and quotes a Posuk "Mashkeh Mealiyoisov", backing this up with another Posuk "Ovoid Vefer".. which doesn't come from Shomayim!!!

Maybe as this last Posuk is mentioned in the Tochacho, even the given natural elements of nature are compromised ?

Sholem, UK

The Kollel replies:

Dear Sholem,

Let's summarize:

R, Eliezer says rain is from the sea-from below, and Aliyosav sounds like rain comes from high, like R' Yehoshua.

Even so, Aliyosav can mean that after the water comes up from the sea to the heaven it is now called Aliyosav. Then to back this up, the gemara says how else can you understand dirt from the heaven- it must also mean that it came from the ground, went up and then came down.

All the best, Reuven Weiner