The brings a Posuk, that when Ahron Hakohen was niftar, "Vayishma Haknaani..." and confirms this with a further Posuk "Vayiru Kol Hoaeido"
Why is there an expression of "Viyishma", when the second Posuk suggests that Klal Yisroel could see that the Anonim had disappeared? (before the Gemoro has a different interpretation of the Vayiru)
Unless only Klal Yisroel were able to see the Anonim...
Sholem, UK
Sholom Rav.
If the Cana'ani heard that Aharon had died, they must have heard it from somebody - a clear proof that the Ananei Kavod were visible to everybody.
As for your question, what makes you think that the Cana'ani lived within sight of the clouds?
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.
Eliezer Chrysler