Avigdor Sharon asked (in Hebrew):
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Avigdor Sharon, Netanya,Israel
The Kollel replies:
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Yisroel Shaw
1. | 2. Jacob prayed that people would become sick before they died? | 3. Bava Metzia 087: The Value of a Maneh |
4. Efron | 5. Gezeirah Shavah | 6. Tzad ha'Shaveh |
7. Avraham Avinu and Old Age | 8. | 9. שרה פרסה נדה באותו יום |
@include "https://dafyomi.co.il/dedication.php?gid=22"; ?>
@include "https://dafyomi.co.il/specialsection.php?gid=22"; ?>
prepared by Kollel Iyun Hadaf
of Yerushalayim
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Avigdor Sharon, Netanya,Israel
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Yisroel Shaw