Are the words ad she'omru dai to be taken only as a rhetorical phrase?--Don't Chazal elsewhere say that Moshe Rabbeinu hesee'on beal korchon, i.e. they did NOT feel a sense of "Dai" yet with regards to the Bizas HaYam?
Thank you so much!
RAA, United States
Sholom Rav.
A good point. I think you're right. The Torah uses the term "Di Zahav" to stress the amount of gold Hash-m gave Yisrael, which, under normal circumstances, would have led to a reaction of 'Enough enough!'. Only when one is greedy, nothing is ever enough, as Chazal have said 'Someone who has a hundred, wants two hundred, and when he gets two hundred, he wants four hundred.
Wishing you a Good Shabbos.
Yours sincerely
Eliezer Chrysler.
I apologize for the delay in answering.