Matthew Anisfeld asks:
Towards the bottom of Amud Bet, we are looking for examples of people that are kidnapped and yet it is not possible to benefit from them. The gemara gives an example of selling a women for her embryo. Rashi says that the case is one in which you kidnap a woman and sell her for her embryo. I find that confusing. Even though the intention is simply to sell the woman for her embryo, it still seems very possible to benefit from the kidnapping of the woman.
Thank you.
Matthew Anisfeld, London
The Kollel replies:
Sholom Rav
'Imur' means, not to benefit, but rather to make use of. The Gemara's She'eilah is whether selling the woman for her fetus is considered making use of her or not.
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler