says there R. Chiya and sons are 3 equal to the Avos...does anyone say who is who? any disagreement?
HG Schild, ny, usa
Sorry, I've never heard anything about that.
But my suggestion would be that Rebbi Chiya corresponds to Avraham, since his life's work involved spreading Torah among the uninitiated and perpetuating it, like Avraham (as the Gemara describes here). Chizkiyah, whose name spells "Chozek Kah," (Gevurah) corresponds to Yitzchak. Yehudah, the other son, combined Rachamim and Din, which is why he was able to be Meshamesh both Rav and Shmuel, as we find in many places (see Rashbam Bava Basra 38b DH Ki). Rav's character was based on Din ("Abba Aricha", see Chulin 137b, see also Shabbos 108a where Shmuel heals and Rav curses) while Shmuel's was Rachamim (Rebbi's doctor as the Gemara here describes).
Best wishes,
M. Kornfeld
Yehudah the son of Rabbi Chiya, and Rav Yehudah the disciple of Rav and Shmuel, were two different Amoraim.
Rav Yehudah's father was named Yechezkel as mentioned in Kidushin 32a and 70a. This Rav Yehudah is Stam Rav Yehudah mentioned in Shas. Yehudah the son of Rebbi Chiya knew Rebbi, Rabeinu HaKadosh, as mentioned in Sanhedrin 38a, whereas Rav Yehudah was born the day Rabeinu HaKadosh passed away, as stated in Kidushun 72a-b. Finally, the two Amoraim are mentioned side by side in the span of lines 20-22 in Kesubos 62b.
Mordechai Schwimmer
Oops -- thank you for the correction. I retract what I wrote about Yehudah b'Rebbi Chiya.
I did notice, though, that we recently saw (Bava Basra 75a) a Gemara that seems to compare "Yehudah and Chizkiyah" to the angels "Gavriel and Michael", implying that there is a Rachamim/Din connection between the two. The respective order in which they are mentioned in that Gemara might carry the implication that, in fact, Yehudah corresponds to Din and Chizkiyah to Rachamim.
The same might be concluded based on the story in Kesuvos 62b that you mentioned in your comments, in which Yehudah's coming was always preceded by a "pillar of flame," and in which Yehudah's death was brought about by the slightest touch of inconsistency.
I'll add that Yehudah and Chizkiyah were also initiators of Torah-study along with their father (in Bavel), as the Gemara says in Sukah 20a.
M. Kornfeld
The Lkutei Torah of the Baal Hatanya, in the Parshas Hashovua in which the question was asked (Parshas Rei) in the Drush on vSamti Kadchod the 2nd he explains this Gemara that Rabbi Chiya corresponds to Yaakov Avinu and that is why he is called Rabi "Chiya" as we find that "Yaakov Lo Mess," and his 2 sons which the Gemara says in M"K 25a that Yehuda is from the right and Chizkiya is from the left, correspond to Yehuda =Yemin = Chesed = Avrohom Avinu, and Chizkiya = S'mol = Gvurah = Yitzchok Avinu.
I wrote this to the one who asked the question privately, and in response to this he wrote me back that in the Shaarei Zohar from R"R Margoliyas on Bava Basra 75 he quotes R"Y Engel in his Kuntres Shev D'nechemta, that says that Rabi Chiya is known to correspond to Yaakov, and brings the same Gemara from M"K to explain his 2 sons. (w/o mentioning the Lkutei Torah or the Idea of the name Chiya).
I just want to add that while it says in the Possuk by Avrohom Avinu "Vayishmor...vSorosy" and also the "Shnei Alofim Torah" begin with "vEs Hanefesh Asher Osu" which says by Avrohom Avinu, nonetheless WRT the 3 Amudim of Torah Avodah and Gmilus Chassodim, Avrohom Avinu represents GM"C, and Yaakov is Torah (also Al Pi Kabalah Tiferes is Torah), hence Rabi Chiya who was Toros Umnoso and called Marbitz Torah and Gdolim Maasei Chiya are in the Kav of Torah, corresponds to Yaakov Avinu Ish Tom Yoshev Oholim Ohel of Shem which represents Torah Shebiksav (Kol Htorah Shmosov Shel HKB"H) and Eiver which represents Torah Shebaal Peh, "Ksuvim Mishnei Evreihem" which adds TSPB.
Kol Tuv,
Yitzchok Zirkind