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Alistair asks:

Mishna Yom chapter 8 has a chapter about what to do if one suspects that someone may be trapped under a building.

Why is this not in Mishna Shabbos? Does it not apply to equally to Shabbos and Yom Tov?

Alistair, UK, London

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav

If you look at Mishnah 6, you will see that the Tana refers specifically to Shabbos. The reason he inserts it here in Yoma, is because It is said by R. Masya ben Charash, who just issued a ruling in connection with Yom Kipur, and it is quite natural for Rebbi (the compiler of the Mishnah) to lump together two statements made by the same Tana (See for example, Pirkei Avos,where he does this regularly.

Be'Virchas kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler